How to Create Credit Memo from Invoice History

How to Create Credit Memo from Invoice History

Release Date 6/19/17
Modify Date 10/17/24
Version: 7.x & up

Q - I notice that in the V7.3 release notes, you provided the ability to create a COP Credit Memo from invoice History. What menu is this feature accessed from?

A - You can create a credit memo based on invoice history data from COP -> Processing -> Order Entry -> Change.  At the Order No field, press either F3 or F4 to create credit memo.  See sample screen below:

The F4 key allows users to create a credit memo based on a posted invoice.  This is assuming that the customer is returning the entire shipment, or you need to reverse the entire billing of an invoice.
The F3 key allows users to create a credit memo based on a serial number.  If you track serial numbers in Elliott, this is a very convenient feature when your customer returns a serialized item (maybe due to damage, for example).  This function will create a credit memo for that serial number only.

Use F4 Key to Create Credit Memo

This screen is very similar to the Invoice History Inquiry by Customer screen. You will first identify the customer for whom you wish to create the credit memo.  Then at the "Inv No" field, you can either enter the invoice number, or use the F1 key to show a list of invoices.  See sample screen below:

You can highlight the invoice and press Enter.  Then the detail screen will show up. See the sample screen below:

In this window, you will be given the chance to review the invoice itself. If you agree that you should create the credit memo based on this invoice, then you can press the F3 key to create the credit memo.  Note that the system will prompt you for the following at bottom of the screen:

RMA Status: (possible values are W=Waiting For Returns, P=RMA Printed, R=Received)
You can press Enter without using the RMA (Return Material Authorization) feature. Giving an RMA status of "W" or "P" will prevent this credit memo from printing until its status is changed to "R."

Return For Credit? (possible values are Y=Yes, N=No) If you answer "Y," a credit memo is created. On the other hand, if you answer "N," the line item unit price will be zero, resulting in a zero-dollar credit memo. In both cases, the quantity returned to stock will equal the original quantity shipped so the inventory is to be returned to stock.

If customer wish to return the merchandise for credit, you can answer "Y" and optionally use the "RMA status" to  formally authorize the return.  If you wish to create a credit memo but do not need the customer to return the inventory, you can answer "Y" and then change the line item quantity returned to stock to zero afterward. If you wish to create a partial credit memo without requiring the customer to return the inventory, you can answer "Y," set the line item quantity returned to stock to zero, and use the line item discount percentage to determine the partial credit amount.

Answering "N" is typically used for correcting an internal operational mistake. For example, if the wrong item or serial number was recorded on the original invoice, you can create a zero-dollar credit memo. You may want the inventory adjusted by returning the quantity to stock (even without the customer physically returning the inventory). Then, you can issue a corrected invoice with the correct item and serial number (perhaps without physically shipping it) to update the internal record.

Return To Warehouse Location?
The default value is the invoice location.  But it is possible that you can return to a holding location so you can check the inventory first before releasing it for sale.

Finally, it will give you a message like the following:
    Order No (999999) Created, Press <Enter> to Continue
You can press the Enter key and you will see the credit memo brought up in Change mode in the Order Entry screen, where you can make further changes if necessary.

Use F3 Key to Create Credit Memo

When you use the F3 key to create a credit memo, the item number field is optional.  But the serial number field is required.  Once the system can identify the serial number, the following sample screen will be brought up:

The rest of the steps to create the credit memo are similar to F4 key process.
In conclusion, using the F3/F4 key to create a credit memo is much faster and more accurate than creating the credit memo by manually typing.