How to Charge a Credit Card If Pre-Authorized for the Wrong Customer

How to Charge a Credit Card If Pre-Authorized for the Wrong Customer

Q - We tried to complete a credit card charge with a pre-authorization for the wrong customer.  Since we don't keep the credit card number when we do the pre-authorization, how do we go about completing the credit card charge for the correct customer?

A - In Elliott, we have a feature to allow you to "Copy PreAuth" from one customer to another customer.  To do this, you can go to A/R -> Processing -> Credit Card Transaction Handle -> Add. Enter the account of the customer that the Pre-Authorization was done for, and enter the correct "Source of Fund." Your cursor should now be at "4. Credit Card No/PW Trx ID."  Press F8=TrxID Lookup.  See the example below.

You will now see the "Select Payware Transaction" window appear.  Highlight the Pre-Authorization record, and click on the "Copy PreAuth" button to copy to the correct customer. See the example below.

After this, you can go to the new customer and use the same F8 method to bring up the Pre-Authorization record.  Our assumption is that you will only perform the credit card completion for the new customer, not the old customer. If you perform a credit card completion for both customers on the same transaction, you will receive an error message on the the second one.  For auditing purposes, we do not delete the pre-authorization after the copying process.

This method is often handy if the order is coming from the Web, where a miscellaneous customer was assigned at the time that the order was created.  After the real customer number is assigned in the Elliott back-end, it is necessary for the Pre-Authorization to transfer (copy) to the new customer as well.