Q: I recently changed from a regular pick ticket to a laser form pick ticket. I like the more professional look of the laser form ticket, but one thing I had before on the regular pick ticket was the system date/time printed on the top line. The date and time is not showing up on the new laser pick ticket. How do I get the system date and time to print on the laser pick ticket?
A: Starting with our Elliott 7.54.821 release, we began including a new feature to print certain system variables on a laser form. These system variables are:
- SystemDate - In the format of MM/DD/YY
- SystemDate_YYYY - In the format of MM/DD/YYYY
- SystemTime - In the format of HH:MM
- SystemTime_HHMMSS - In the format of HH:MM:SS
- CompanyNo - If you are using the Elliott multi-company feature, this is the company ID
- CompanyName - The company report name, as in your company setup
- CompanyShortName - The company display name, as in your company setup
- CompanyAddress1 - The company address 1, as in your company setup
- CompanyAddress2 - The company address 2, as in your company setup
- CompanyAddress3 - The company address 3, as in your company setup
- CompanyPhone - The company phone number, as in your company setup
- UserID - The Elliott user ID that prints the document
This feature applies to all laser forms, not just the laser pick ticket. Therefore, you could also, for example, add the system date/time on the laser order acknowledgment if you so desire. The following is a step-by-step procedure to add the system date/time to the laser pick ticket:
(1) Go to COP -> Processing -> Pick/Pack Tickets & Ship Labels -> Print -> Pick Tickets. Choose any order number to print and stop at the Print Option Window.
(2) At the Print Option Window, choose the print destination as Printer, then click on the "Options" button.
(3) In the Appearance Option window, pick the "form template" that you are using in the drop-down, then click "Edit Form."
(4) Your Elliott Laser Form Designer should appear onscreen. Click on the "Preview" button, after which your laser form template should appear. Decide in which area you would like to place the system date/time value. Move your mouse over to that area. You should see the coordinates of that area in the Row/Col box at the top. Write down the coordinates and click "Close" to go back to the Elliott Laser Form Designer window.
(6) In the Elliott Laser Form Designer Window, go to "Text" tab. Click on the "New" button to add a new text field.
(7) In the Starting Position, enter the Row and Column coordinates you wrote down in step 4.
(8) In the text field, right click and choose SystemDate or SystemDate_YYYY from the pop-up menu, depending on your preference. Now you should see the text field displayed as:
Put a space behind this variable, and right click. Choose SystemTime or SystemDate_HHMMSS, depending on your preference. Now you should see the text field displayed as:
@@SystemDate@@ @@SystemTime@@
See sample screen below:
Alternately, you could define the SystemDate and SystemTime as two separate text fields instead of combining them in the above example.
(9) To confirm that the design is correct, choose the "Preview" button to verify. Then you should see something like the following:
(10) If the date/time shows up in the right spot, you are all done. Click "Close," then "Save" to exit the Laser Form Template Designer. If not, adjust the coordinates of the system date and time until it looks right in the preview screen. Now you can print your laser pick ticket as you normally would.