How is the Price Determined in Sales Order Import?

How is the Price Determined in Sales Order Import?

Release Date - 11/09/2020
Version - 7.5 and up

There is a flag on screen 4 of the EDI Profile in Customer Maintenance that determines how the price is set, Warn If Import Unit Prc <> Eli Calc Prc. This can be N for No Warning, I for Use Import Price, or E for Use Elliott Price.

There are five different import scenarios. First, the import price could be blank. The import would calculate the price in the same way as a manually entered order in Order Entry. Second, a price could be provided and the Import Price flag set to N. Regardless of the price in Elliott, this would always use the import price without any warning. Third, a price could be provided and the flag set to I. If the price was different, a warning would be printed on the Import Journal and the import price would be used. Fourth, a price could be provided and the flag set to E. If the price was different, a warning would be printed on the Import Journal and the Elliott price would be used. Again, this would be the same price used as a manually entered order respecting any entries in the Price Code file. A fifth scenario would be an import price is provided and the prices match. In that case, no warning would be printed.


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