Release Date: 11/18/2020
Version: 8.5 & Up
Q - Can you explain how the 'Scheduled Qty Avail' in QTYAVAILBYCOMP attribute is calculated? Below is the Stock Status Inquiry screen:
The attribute QTYAVAILBYCOMP shows:
How is the Scheduled Qty Available 285 calculated?
A - If you look at the QTYAVAILBYCOMP3 attribute for "Stock Qty Avail(Neg)," the value is -27.
This is different from the QTYAVAILBYCOMP "Stock Qty Avail" 0 value, which will never be negative.
The -27 means we are short of 27 at the moment. It is calculated as:
All-Netable-Qty-OH – All-Netable-Qty-Allocated (Exclude Transfer) + All-Netable-Qty-BO
So the total value is
146 (OH) – 284 (Allocated) + 66 (Exclude Transfer) + 45 (BO) = -27
The Z* locations are non-netable so their quantity is not included in the calculation.
To calculate "Scheduled Qty Avail," we will look for data in ATP. We consider the pending receiving (RW or RR ATP) record to have higher priority than the purchasing (P ATP) record. We look for the first pending receiving record that can make the quantity balance become positive. That date will become the "Next Schedule ETA Date" in the QTYAVAILBYCOMP attribute. The balance quantity will become "Scheduled Qty Avail."
According to ATP, on 12/07/2020, we are going to receive 312. See sample screen below:
Since we are still short of 27, 312 – 27 = 285. Note this quantity is different that the ATP quantity balance of 298 as of 12/07/20 in the above example. This can be caused by timing (sales order to be delivered at a later date) or back order, which will show in the ATP and decreased balance but it is not part of the calculation formula.
Another logic you should be aware of is that if you have other receiving on the same day (12/07/20), we will include that quantity into the formula as well.