How Do I Edit the Item Link?
Release Date: 12/30/2024
Version: 7.x & Up
Q - I noticed two new links attached to my items. These do not work. How do I change or remove the links?
A - Two links may appear when Elliott is updated. These are Item Image Link and Item Specification Link.
The links point to a generic website, They also point to a subfolder and a specific file name. The intention is you can change the web address to be your website and point to a subfolder with images of the item and specifications. To edit the link, click on the Types... button and select the type.
You can now edit the address in the Template field. The @@REF-ID@@ resolves to the item number the link the is attached to. So, for item 2122-2630, you would create an image file named 2122-2630.png.
Now when you click on the link it will bring up an image of the item.