How Did eContact in Customers Disappear?

How Did eContact in Customers Disappear?

Release Date: 06/21/2022
Version: 8.0 & Up

Q - Not sure what is happening but I have come across a few of my customers that when we send the order confirmation the email address that we had under their account is no longer there. If someone changed it the name would still be there but it is not. So I have to go back and enter the name in the account again. So far it has happened with several customers and now I just noticed another customer's contact disappeared. Do you know why this would be happening? Is the only way for someone to manually delete it?

A - There is no other method to delete the eContact other than someone manually deleting it. You can consider implementing security to prevent this problem from happening in the future. For example, you can go to Password Setup -> Global Security -> User Global Security to restrict. See sample screen below:

Set this flag to "N" for everyone else that does not need to update or delete the eContact. Regardless how this flag is set, all users have right to add eContacts and have full rights to update and delete the eContacts he/she created.

At this moment, we don’t have auditing in Elliott on who deleted an eContact and when it was deleted. If this problem really bothers you and you can't stop eContacts from disappearing by implementing security, one possible solution is to implement “Audit Master,” which allows you to trace any update activities to the PSQL database. Audit Master is an add-on solution to the PSQL database engine. If you are interested, please contact Netcellent. 


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