Hold Trx - Inventory Quantities Changed at Another Workstation Record Not Saved

Hold Trx - Inventory Quantities Changed at Another Workstation Record Not Saved

Release Date: 06/25/2024
Version: 8.5 & Up

Q - When we try to add a hold transaction by serial number, we get this message:

    Inventory Quantities Changed At Another Workstation. Record Not Saved

Several other users have had this message. But sometimes, if we wait long enough, we can try again and enter the hold-trx. I have not been able to add the hold-trx for this one today though.

This is a new issue for us within the last 3-4 weeks, so it might be related to a programming update. 

A - The reason this happens is that when your user tries to add a hold transaction, the system needs to check to see if there is enough quantity for the hold transaction to allocate. We used to lock the item and inventory location record when the user tried to do this. However, since there is no control over how long the user will take to complete this hold transaction, this can lead to potential extended periods of record locking on the item or inventory location record. This will affect other users -- like those at the sales desk and order entry -- with record-locking issues. 

So we have made this change to use a “phantom locking” logic now. That is to say, we do check to see if there is enough quantity to allocate when the user tries to add the hold transaction and the user moves the cursor though the quantity field. But before the hold transaction is saved, we check again to see if the item or inventory location allocation has changed in the meantime. If it has changed, the update is aborted, and the record is not saved. The user needs to re-enter this hold transaction. Hopefully, they can create the hold transaction fast enough the second time around, so that there are no quantity allocation changes in between.

So the lesson to the user is that they need to finish the hold transaction screen quickly to avoid this message. In this scenario, please ask the user to enter the hold transaction again. 

Related Programs: IMHLTMNT


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