GLRECENT General Ledger Recurring Journal Trx Processing

GLRECENT General Ledger Recurring Journal Trx Processing

Recurring Journal Trx Processing

Application Overview

 The Recurring Journal Transaction Processing application allows standard recurring journal transactions to be entered.  They may also be changed before being posted to the General Ledger through the Post Recurring Journal Transactions application.  Transactions entered here are not accessible through the General Journal Transaction Processing application.


Session Balances

 The bottom of the Recurring Journal Trx Processing screen displays a running total of debits and credits for the current session, along with the session balance.  The Session ID allows users to identify the transactions that they were responsible for keying in.  When entering change mode, a window is displayed with each Session ID, the number of transactions it contains, total debits and credits, and the last date on which it was posted.  The user may choose one of these sessions or create a new one in add mode.


Transaction ID

 Each recurring transaction is assigned a unique Transaction ID number.  As new transactions are entered, the Starting Transaction ID No field in G/L Setup is incremented.  The Transaction ID may be used to access transaction directly for changes.  In change mode, you may search for transactions by Transaction Id by pressing the F2 (Trx ID Search) key.


Current Period

 The current period starting and ending dates are displayed continuously at the top of the screen.  All transactions entered will be posted to the period ending date.

Journal History Numbers

 Journal History data may be maintained for transactions in Recurring Journal Transaction Processing if the Maintain Journal History ? flag (field #3) in G/L Setup is set to Y.  Posting totals will be written to the Journal History File and may then be printed using the Journal History Report application.

Accrual Reversals

 Transactions entered with the source code Accrue can be auto­matically reversed in the next period if the user then enters a Y in the R (Reverse Next Period?) column.  The automatically generated reversal will have the first day of the subsequent period as the transaction date.  This reversal will print on the Edit List and Posting Register, but will not appear on the transaction screen or be assigned a Transaction ID.  It will, however be reflected in the balance totals at the bottom of the screen.  Be sure to enter both a debit and credit for accrual entries.


Automatic Counter‑Balancing

 For General Ledger accounts with a counter‑balance account on file, the operator is allowed to counter‑balance the entry.  If the operator enters a Y in the C (Counter-Balance Account) column, the package will generate a reversing debit or credit for the counter‑balance account.


Automatic Distribution

 For General Ledger accounts with an automatic distribution code on file, the operator is given the option to auto‑distribute the entry.  If the operator enters a Y in the D (Auto‑Distribution Code) column, the package will automati­cally calculate and post the transactions to the accounts specified by the auto‑distribution code.  On the Edit List and Posting Register, these distributions will be rounded to the nearest penny.  Any remaining amount will be added to (or subtracted from) the last distribution to ensure proper balance.


Balance By Periods

 The List and Register verify the transaction balances by period to ensure they are both zero.  (All transactions will fall in one of two periods ‑ current period or next period for accrual reversals.)  If either of the two possible periods have a non‑zero balance, a warning prints showing the balances for the non‑zero periods and posting is not allowed. 


Run Instructions


Select Recurring Journal Trx Processing from the pull down G/L Processing window.  The following screen will then be displayed:



Recurring Journal Trx Processing Entry Screen


The following options are available:

    • Select the desired mode from the Recurring Journal Trx Processing menu bar
    • Enter the data requested on the screen
    • To exit press the ESC or F10 key when the cursor is positioned for entry of the first field on the screen

     To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.


    Entry Field Descriptions



    Type and Description

    Session Id:

    10 alphanumeric characters.

    In add mode, enter a Session ID number to identify this batch of recurring transactions.  The ID can be the user's name, the date, a number, or anything else that will later distinguish the transactions when changes need to be made.  When a Session ID number is used, you can later retrieve reports that list all the transactions that cross reference to this given Session ID number.  The Session ID may also be left blank.  All transactions entered under a blank ID will be grouped together.

    In add mode, press the F7 key to search for Session ID's.  In change and delete modes, select the desired Session ID from the window and press RETURN.  Any transactions entered under a blank Session ID are displayed on the first line of the window.

    Trx Id

    7 numeric characters.  This number uniquely identifies each transaction entered in the table below.

    In add mode, the next sequential Transaction ID number is automatically displayed.  In change mode, the number of the transaction the cursor is currently on is displayed.  Also in change mode, you may search by Transaction ID when the cursor first appears on the Account Number field.  For more information on how to search by Transaction ID, refer to the Account Number field description.

    Last Post:

    A date in the standard format.

    This field displays the last date on which the currently selected recurring transaction was posted.  Manual changes to this field are not allowed.


    1 alphanumeric character.  Enter the recurring transaction type.

    Only the following entries are allowed:

    P or 1 -   Permanent

    V or 2 -   Variable

    Permanent Entries ‑ Transaction Type P


    Ty (continued)

    A permanent journal entry is any entry that is made for the same amount each period.  These entries are retained on file and posted each period for the amount speci­fied.  Permanent transactions are modifiable through change and delete modes.

    Variable Entries ‑ Transaction Type V

    A variable journal entry is any entry that is made to the same account for different amounts each period.  Each period, before post­ing, the operator can enter the amount to be posted that period.  The procedure is:

    1)   Select change mode.

    2)   Enter Trx Type of V.

    3)   Press the F1 key when the cursor is positioned for entry of the Account No.

    4)   The system locates and dis­plays the first screen of variable transactions on file.  Use the up/down arrow keys to select the desired transaction, then use the RETURN key to move to the Amount field and enter the correct amount.

    5)   Individual transactions may be accessed directly by entering the transaction type V and the account number or by pressing the F2 key and entering a Transaction ID number.

    Press the F1 key to delete the transaction that the cursor is currently on.

    Account Number

    An account number in the standard account number format.

    In add and change mode, press the F7 key to search by account number or press the F8 key to search by account description.

    In change mode, when the cursor first appears on this field, press the F1 key to list transactions for this Session ID in account number order.  After transactions are displayed, press the F1 key to delete the transaction that the cursor is currently on.  In change mode, press the F2 key to search for transactions by Transaction ID.  In change mode, the account number cannot be changed.

    The current account's description, counter-balancing account (if applicable), and auto-distribution Code (if applicable) are all displayed at the top of the screen.


    4 numeric characters.  

    Enter the Journal History number to be associated with this transaction.  This field is only accessible if the Maintain Journal History flag (field #3) in G/L Setup is set to Y.

    In add mode, if no other transactions have been recorded since entering the application, the Starting Journal History Number (field #4) from G/L Setup will be displayed.  If transactions have already been recorded, the journal number from the last transaction entered is displayed.

    Press the RETURN key to accept the default journal number or press the F1 key to increment the journal number by one.

    In change mode, use the Page Up and Page Down keys to move between pages of transactions.


    10 alphanumeric characters. 

    If the source field entered is Accrue the program will accept an automatic accrual reversal.  If the operator enters a Y in the (R) Reverse Next Period? column, a reversing entry will also be posted for the start date of the next period when this transaction is posted.  If the source entered was not Accrue then the Reverse Next Period? question is forced to be N.

    Press the RETURN key to default to the last source entered.  Press the F7 key to search for source codes or press the F6 key to display source totals.  The F6 key will display the corresponding account number, transaction date, debit, and credit amount, and their totals. 

    If you select a pre-defined source, its description will be displayed in the Source Desc: field at the top of the screen.  In add mode, if Journal History is being used, the source defaults to RJ plus the journal number for the transaction.  For example, if the journal number is 0001, then the source will default to RJ0001.

    If the source entered is not defined in the Source Code File Maintenance application, you may add it from this field by answering Y to the question Source Not Found, Do You Wish To Create One ?   If you answer Y, you will be prompted to enter a source description at the top of the screen.

    Source (continued)

    If Journal History is not in use and you are in change mode, use the Page Up and Page Down keys to move between pages of transactions.


    30 alphanumeric characters.  Enter a reference number or press RETURN to default to the previously entered reference, if any.  Press the F1 key to use the first line of the source description as the reference.


    1 alphanumeric character.  Enter the type of transaction being entered.  Only the following entries are allowed.

    D or 1 = Debit

    C or 2 = Credit

    The transaction type defaults to the previously entered type, if any.


    11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places (negative or zero not allowed)  (999,999,999.99). 

    Enter the amount of the transaction.  This amount will be debited or credited to the appropriate account depending on what was entered in the transaction type field.

    R (Reverse Next Period)

    Y or N

    The only way to change this field is to enter Accrue in the Source field.  See the description of the Source field above.

    NOTE:  Only one of the options R, C, or D can be selected for any one transaction.  If any one of these is answered Y, the other options cannot be selected.

    RETURN defaults to N.

    C (Counter-Balance)

    Y or N

    If the account number entered for this transaction has a counter‑balance account on file, the account and its description will display and the operator will be allowed to select counter‑balancing.  If the account number has a counter‑balance account but the counter‑balance account is not on file, the account will display but the description will be ***Account Not On File*** and selection of counter‑balancing will not be allowed.   

    C (Counter-Balance) (continued)

    If the account does not have a counter‑balance account associated with it, (Not Allowed) will display next to the Counter Balance Acct: field above and the opera­tor will not be allowed to select automatic counter‑balancing.

    NOTE:  Only one of the options R, C, or D can be selected for any one transaction.  If any one of these is answered Y, the other options cannot be selected.

    RETURN defaults to N.

    D (Auto-Distribute)

    Y or N

    If the account number entered for this transaction has an Auto Dis­tribution code which exists in the Distribution Code file, this code will be displayed and the operator will be allowed to enter a Y in this field.  If the account number for this transaction does not have an Auto Distribution code or if the Auto Distribution code is not on file then (Not Allowed) will display and the (D) option will not be allowed.  To view the Auto-Distribution accounts, press the F1 key in the Trx Date field.

    NOTE:  Only one of the options R, C, or D can be selected for any one transaction.  If any one of these is answered Y, the other options cannot be selected.

    RETURN defaults to N.



    Recurring Journal Trx Processing Session ID Search



    Recurring Journal Trx Processing


    Recurring Journal Trx Processing Session ID Search 



    Recurring Journal Trx Processing Session ID Search 



    Post Recurring Journal Trx

    Application Overview

     The Post Recurring Journal Transaction application transfers standard recurring journal entries into the General Ledger Transaction File. It serves to automatically update the information on file.    


    Recurring Journal Transaction Register

     All entries are detailed on this register.  The register is automati­cally printed in account number order when the transactions are posted.

     For counter‑balanced entries, the balancing transaction is printed showing its account number and description.

     For accrual reversals, the reversing entry is printed showing its date.

     For automatic distributions, a breakdown by account is printed.

     When posting, only the recurring transactions that are applicable for the current period will be posted. Likewise, posting out of balance is not allowed.

     In both cases a message will display on the screen explaining why access to the posting routine is not allowed.

     During the printing of the register, if any accounts to which posting is attempted are discovered to be invalid, the posting will terminate and a message on the screen will advise you of the problem.  You must print out the spooled register in order to identify the problem accounts.  Such accounts will show up on the register with a descrip­tion bearing the message

    ***Account Not On File***.

     IMPORTANT:  Recurring journal entries must be posted before changing the current period in the Accounting Period File Maintenance application.  Failure to post recurring entries before posting entries for the next period will require you to make manual entries for the previous period.

    Run Instructions

     Select Post Recurring Journal Trx from the pull down G/L Processing window.  The following screen will then be displayed:



    Post Recurring Journal Trx Processing Entry Screen


     The following options are available:

      • Select the desired mode from the Post Recurring Journal Trx menu bar
      • If the total credit amounts on file do not equal the total debit amounts for all accounting periods, a message will be displayed to that effect and posting will not be allowed.

       To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.


      Entry Field Descriptions



      Type and Description

      Do You Want To Post At This Time ?

      Y or N.  Answer Y to Post all Recurring Transaction entries to the General Ledger Transaction File, or N to decline.




      Post Recurring Journal Trx Processing


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