GLBUDMNT General Ledger Budget File Maintenance

GLBUDMNT General Ledger Budget File Maintenance

Budget File Maintenance

Application Overview


For purposes of the Budget File application, a budget is the targeted or anticipated net change to a given account during a given period.  For example, sales of a specific product line may be targeted at $10,000 for each period of the fiscal year. The correct budget entry for the account that stores this product's sales would be a $10,000 credit for each period's budget amount. The budget amounts for this account would appear as follows:



            Period - 1          Budget - 10,000

            Period - 2          Budget - 10,000

            Period - 3          Budget - 10,000

            Period - 4          Budget - 10,000



Similarly, the anticipated tele­phone expense for a particular phone line might be set at $5,000 per period. The correct budget entry required to record this information would be a $5,000 debit for each period for the appropriate account.

Budgets can also be allocated for Balance Sheet accounts. Thus, if Accounts Receivable is budgeted for a $5,000 increase during each of the first two periods of the fiscal year, the budget amount for the first and second periods would each be a $5,000 debit.

If it is budgeted to thereafter decrease by $1,000 per month, the budget amount for each subsequent period would be a $1,000 credit.  The budget amounts for this account would appear as follows:


            Period - 1          Budget - 5,000

            Period - 2          Budget - 5,000

            Period - 3          Budget - 1,000

            Period - 4          Budget - 1,000


Since a Balance Sheet always shows amounts as of the end of a period, when budget figures are shown on a Balance Sheet, they will include the actual ending balance for the accounts for the previous fiscal year.

After entering Period‑1 Budget, the question Automatic Budget Progression? appears.  Answer Y to this question and the cursor will be positioned at the last valid period budget entry as defined by the period file.  Enter the last period budget and the system will automatically calculate progressive budgets for periods two through the last period. Answer N to this question to manually enter the remaining periods budget.

 When entering budgets you may default to the previously entered period budget amount field by pressing the RETURN key. 

 This application also enables you to maintain up to 99 distinct budget revision definitions per G/L account number. In addition you may reference the budget information for a given year. These variables are both used to identify budget information and Copy it between various budget revision definitions and years.

 Budgets must be updated manually whenever they change.

 Budgets may be deleted or purged individually by account using Delete mode or they may be purged for a range using the List mode.

 The Budget Year refers to your fiscal year.  Whenever a relative reference is made in this manual to the Budget Year such as CY for current year, the current year is assumed to be equal to the year of the last period of the period file.

Run Instructions

 Select Budget File from the pull down G/L Maintenance window.  The following screen will then be displayed:



Budget File Maintenance Entry Screen


The following options are available:

  • Select the desired mode from the Budget File menu bar
  • Enter the data requested on the screen
  • To exit press the ESC or F10 key when the cursor is positioned for entry of the first field on the screen

 To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.

Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

1.  Account No

An Account Number in the standard Account Number format.  Enter a G/L account number.  Enter F7 search by number or F8 to search by name.

2.  Budget Year

4 numeric characters that represent any year between 1900 and 2000. Enter the year that you want to reference in the budget.

3.  Budget Revision

2 numeric characters.  Enter the appropriate Budget Revision number.  

4.  Period 1 Budget

    through Period 13 Budget

Each budget entry is a 9‑digit numeric field with no decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999,999‑).  Enter the appropriate Period Budget amount.

After entry of the first Period Budget, pressing the F1 key will default the entry to the previous periods budget.

Automatic Budget

Progression ?

Y or N.  After entering field # 4 during Add mode, this prompt will appear at the bottom of your screen.

If you answer Y the system will default to automatic progression, and ask you to enter a budget amount into the final Period Budget entry field. Then it will automatically calculate the amounts between Field #4 and the final entry field.  If you enter the same figure as field #4, the period budgets will fill with that same figure.

By answering N the system will permit you to enter varying amounts into each Period Budget entry field. 





Type and Description

Starting Account

A standard account number in the standard account number format.  Enter the starting G/L account number range.

Ending Account

A standard account number in the standard account number format.  Enter the ending G/L account number range.

From Year

4 numeric characters that represent any year between 1900 and 2000.  Enter the budget year that you want to copy from.

From Revision

2 numeric characters.  Enter the revision number that you want to copy from.

To Year

4 numeric characters that represent any year between 1900 and 2000.  Enter the budget year that you want to copy into.

To Revision

2 numeric characters.  Enter the revision number that you want to copy into.

Percent Change

3 numeric characters between 0 and 999.  Enter the percentage of change between the two budgets.  This figure can be negative if you desire to reduce budget figures.





Type and Description

Starting Account

A standard account in the standard account format.  Enter the starting G/L account number range.

Ending Account

A standard account number in the standard account number format.  Enter the ending G/L account number range.

Starting Year

4 numeric characters.  Enter the starting year range.

Ending Year

4 numeric characters.  Enter the ending year range.


2 numeric characters.  Enter the revision number or press RETURN for All.

Purge Records ?

Y or N.  Enter Y to purge records or N to decline.



Budget File Maintenance


Copy Budget Amounts






























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