Feature - Warehouse Receiving Allows Overriding of Allocation/Hold Descriptions

Feature - Warehouse Receiving Allows Overriding of Allocation/Hold Descriptions

Release Date: 12/28/2023
Version: 8.5 and Above


Since 12/21/2020, in Purchase Order & Receiving > Processing > Warehouse Receiving Processing, users have been optionally allowed to put a receiving item on hold after posting the receiving inventory by creating a hold transaction through field 12, "Create Alloc?" if they have access to this feature. To summarize this feature:

"In PO Warehouse Receiving File Maintenance, a 'Create Alloc ?' flag exists to signify that during posting of the transactions a record will be created in the Hold Transaction file. That is to say that even though it is received and the inventory is in the system, it is still on "Hold" and the quantity is allocated, so the inventory is not available to be sold until management decides to release the hold by deleting the record from the Hold Transaction file." (Feature - Create Hold Trx when Posting Inventory Trx)

For more details on this specific add-on feature and how to activate it, please refer to the following Knowledge Base article:
Saying "Yes" to "Create Alloc" would generate a generic, hard-coded description for a received item that would appear in the posted report by default. A sample generic allocation/hold description is highlighted below--the following is from a sample report posted from Warehouse Receiving Processing:

This article is about an improvement to this 
add-on to allow users to override the default allocation/hold description.

Feature Description

Warehouse Receiving Processing will now offer the ability to override the default hold transaction description with a custom description that the user can create. The new field that allows this, called "Alloc Desc," can support up to 30 characters of description information and will replace the above default description. As a note on language, allocation description and hold transaction description refer to the exact same thing, and will be used interchangeably in this article. See the sample screen below for the allocation description field:

When this feature is used and a custom hold description is created by the user, saved, and posted, it will automatically appear in both Inventory Management > Maintenance > Hold Transaction File and Inventory Management > Inquiry > Stock Status Inquiry. The following descriptions were created in Warehouse Receiving Processing and automatically appeared in the respective files.

How to Activate This Feature

A new field has been created in Global Setup that will need to be changed. Go to System Utilities > Global Setup > add-Ons > other add-on License setup.

Set field number 1 to "Y." When you press Enter, you will be prompted to override hold transaction descriptions in a pop-up screen. Press "Y" to that as well.

You now have access to override default hold transaction descriptions for received inventory. Check it out at Purchase Order & Receiving > Processing > Warehouse Receiving Processing.

How to Use This Feature

1. In Purchase Order & Receiving > Processing > Warehouse Receiving Processing, receive inventory as you normally would and in field 12, select "Y." You will immediately be prompted to enter something in the allocation description field. 

2. You may choose to enter your own description, or you can leave the field blank. Leaving the field blank will automatically generate the default, hard-coded description.

3. When you post your received inventory, you will see that your custom hold transaction description will be generated alongside your received item.

4. If you select "N" when prompted "Create Alloc?," no allocation description will be generated.


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