Release date: 7/2/2018
The ability to validate EDI orders for selected customers has been added to COP.
The validation requires the following setup steps to be completed.
First, Global Setup, COP-Func, Order Header screen field "4. Mark Order As EDI Order/Trading Partners Setup" must be set to "Y."
Next, the customer must be set up in one of two methods.
The first method is as follows: if field 4 in the above screen is set to "Y" or "A," the following window will appear. The customer to be set up is listed in the cust # section of the window or the Cus-Ty section of the window.
The second method is to go to AR, Maintenance, Customer file. Enter customer number to change, then under special functions select EDI profile maintenance. Field "7. Mark Manually Entered Order As EDI" must be "Y."
After one of the two methods above are completed, in EDI Profile Data for the customer,
field "82. Is Purchase Order Number Required", must be set to "Y."
After setting up the customer, the following applications will check for valid PO number when an order is created:
1) Order Entry - when tabbing off the Cust no field, if the field contains spaces or more than 22 characters, the following messages will appear:
2) In Copy/Consolidate Order, when leaving the Cust Po No field, the new validation will take place.
3) In Sales Desk, when creating the new order and leaving the Cust Po No field, the new validation will take place.
Modified Programs: