Feature - User Defined CSV Export Item Batch Support

Feature - User Defined CSV Export Item Batch Support

Release Date -  2/5/18

This feature gives the user the ability to define a batch that can be used when running the User Defined CSV Export. The batch can be defined from I/M-> Reports-> User Defined CSV Report-> Maintenance-> User Defined CSV Batch. 

The application can also be accessed from  I/M-> Reports-> Reorder Advice / User Defined CSV->  Maintenance-> User Defined CSV Batch. This new application supports add, change, delete, and list options. 

A batch is a list of item numbers to be processed that are stored in a CSV file. 

1. Batch ID - Enter a batch ID. This is a 10-character field. F7 search is supported in Change and Delete modes.
2. Description - Enter a batch description. This is a 30-character field.
3. User ID - Defaults to spaces for "All" users. If access to this batch should be limited to a specific user, enter the user's Elliott user ID. F7 search is available.
4. Batch Filename & Path - Enter the path and file name for the CSV file to be used. The file must exist. This file should contain a list of item numbers with one item number on each line of the CSV file.
5. CSV With Header Row? - Answer Y if the CSV contains a header row. Answer N is it does not.

Note: The Created By field indicates the Elliott user who created the batch. The Created On field indicates the date and  time the batch was created. Only the user who created the batch, the user's supervisor, the SUPERVISOR user, or a user in a supervisory role can change or delete a batch.

The Batch List gives the user the ability to print a list of batches on file.

1. Starting Batch - Defaults to "All." Enter the starting batch. F7 Search is available.
2. Ending Batch - If a starting batch is entered, this field will default to the starting batch. Enter an ending batch. F7 Search is available.
3. Report Type - Options are "S" for Summary and "D" for detail. The Summary option will list all of the basic information about the batches. The detail option will also list the contents of the specified CSV file.
4. Print Notes? - Defaults to N. Answer Y to print any note associated with the batch that has a specific note type.

Summary Report Sample:

Detail Report Sample:

Users can specifiy that a batch should be used instead of an item number range by running the User Defined CSV Export.

A new F4=Enter Batch option is available. 

Once the F4 key is pressed, the Starting/Ending Item No field becomes User Defined CSV Batch. When in this mode, the F4 key is available to switch back to starting/ending item number entry. F7 Search is also available to search for a batch. 

When in Batch Mode, fields 4 through 19 are set to the default values shown above to be able to process and print all item numbers provided in the CSV file. The user still has the ability to specify location (if applicable for the specification selected), whether to print cost, the detail level (if applicable for the specification selected), and the export CSV file name.

If a batch was defined with a CSV file that is not accessible to all users, such as a file stored on a local drive, or the file has been moved or deleted, the report will specify this in the detail area by stating it was Unable to Process CSV File:

Note: Invalid item numbers listed in the CSV are listed on the report output with "Item Not On File" listed in the item description field, but will not be included in the CSV output file.