Release date: 4/30/2021
Version 8.5 & Up
Generally speaking, P/O Warehouse Receiving CSV Import (
PO -> Utility -> Warehouse Recv Import) is used to create warehouse receiving transactions. In some unique situations, the user may not want to create Elliott warehouse receiving transactions. Instead, the user may simply want to use the Elliott Warehouse Receiving CSV Import to validate the electronic data and produce a CSV file for special purposes if successful. The first implemented case for this scenario has to do with interfacing with a third party WMS system.
To enable this feature, go to Global Setup -> Dist -> PO Warehouse Recv import. You will find the following flag:
6. Update Elliott During Whse. Recv. CSV Import?
The default value is "Y." If you set this flag to "N," you will turn on this feature. See sample screen below.
If you enter "N" for this flag, the following window will appear:
This screen shows the layout of the CSV file that will be created is as follows:
- PO Number
- PO Line Number
- Product Code (i.e., Item Number)
- Quantity
- Import Date
- Serial Number
- Status - Hard code to "A" at this moment
You will specify the file name and path for the CSV file. Note that the date and time masks are supported. Let's say right now is 05/04/2021 10:17:30AM. The following mask will be transformed to corresponding values:
- YYYYMMDD: 20210504
- YYMMDD: 210504
- YYMM: 2105
- HHMMSS: 101730
So the above example will cause the creation of f:\nsi..pjt\85\dlm\rzanwms\SN210504101730.CSV. The mask can be part of the file name or path. It's optional for you to use it. During the process of creating this CSV file, if the file does not exist, the system will create the file with a TMP extension first. After it is done, the system will then rename the TMP file to a CSV file. On the other hand, if the CSV file already exists, then the system will append to the existing CSV file.
The "Only Send Serialized Items in this CSV File?" flag by default is "N." If you set it to "Y," then only serialized records will be exported to the CSV file -- one serial record per line and the quantity will always be 1 (one).
This feature is related to the following: