Feature - Use Note Type for Special Instructions on VICS BOL

Feature - Use Note Type for Special Instructions on VICS BOL

Release Date: 10/10/19

Version: 8.5 and up

This feature allows a user to optionally copy a specific note type to the bill of lading as a special instruction when creating a bill of lading for a single order (starting order number = ending order number). A new option to include the Elliott sales order number on the bill of lading in the special instructions is also available. 

A default for these options is available through Global Setup-> COP-Ctl-> VICS Bill of Lading fields 27 and 28.

27. Put Sales Order# On Special Instr. Line 1? - The default value is N. If set to Y, the sales order number will be automatically added to line 1 of the special instructions on the bill of lading if the bill of lading was created for one order.

28. Copy Order Notes to Special Instr. For Note Type - The default value is spaces, which means that the option is disabled. An F7 search is available. A valid note type is required if provided. If provided and a note with the specified note type exists for the order, the contents of the note will be added to the special instructions. If "Put Sales Order# On Special Instr. Line 1" is set to Y, the note content will be added starting on line 2 of the special instructions. Otherwise, the note content will be added starting on line 1.

The Global Setup options can be overridden for a specific EDI trading partner through screen 7 of the EDI Trading Partner setup.

1. Put Sales Order# On Special Instr. Line 1? - The default value is N. If set to Y, the sales order number will be automatically added to line 1 of the special instructions on the bill of lading if the bill of lading was created for one order. If this option is set to Y or N, this will override the Global Setup option. If not provided, the Global Setup option will be used.

2. Copy Order Notes to Special Instr. For Note Type - The default value is spaces, which means that the option is disabled. An F7 search is available. A valid note type is required if provided. If provided and a note with the specified note type  exists for the order, the contents of the note will be added to the special instructions. If "Put Sales Order# On Special Instr. Line 1" is set to Y, the note content will be added starting on line 2 of the special instructions. Otherwise, the note content will be added starting on line 1. If a note type is provided, this will override the Global Setup option. If not provided, the Global Setup option will be used.

NOTE: The Special Instructions section only allows 5 lines of instructions but notes contain 10 lines. If not all of the note lines can be added, the user will receive a message advising them to review the order notes when the bill of lading is created.