Released Date: 02/20/2025
Version: 8.5 & Up
In Elliott BOMP Plus Work Order, when a production is completed and posted, it will not update the Newly Received (CPITMREC) database if the plus work order was originally copied from the COP sales order. The rationale behind this is because the Newly Received screen was originally designed for the salesperson to see what items had been newly received or produced as a way to communicate with customers for sales purposes. A plus work order that was copied from a COP order is a custom production for the particular customer and hence should not be promoted to other customers.
Now there is a request to use COP -> Inquiry -> Newly Received Item Inquiry as a way to measure the production from the shop floor. To address this need, we are introducing a Global Setup flag in Dist -> COP Global Control -> "7. Update Newly Rcv for Plus WO Copied from COP?" See sample screen below:
The default value is "N."
Note: legacy and material work orders are not impacted by this flag and will always update newly received database items regardless of whether the work order was originally copied from COP.