Feature - Synchronize Item Lead Time and Planning Lead Time

Feature - Synchronize Item Lead Time and Planning Lead Time

Release Date: 7/31/24
Version: 8.5 and Above

In Item Master File Maintenance, there are two lead time fields:
  1. Screen 2 - Field 45. Lead Time: This is a field used by the Inventory Management module like Reorder Advise Report and Usage Exception Report.
  2. Screen 3 - Filed 84. Planning Lead Time:  Planning Lead Time is used in Elliott manufacturing modules and ATP (Available to Promise) to help the planner determine how many items to purchase and produce.
To avoid confusions, we suggest Elliott users keep these two fields with the same value.  This enhancement is to help Elliott users keep Item's Lead Time and Planning Lead Time with the same value. 

Item Master File Maintenance verifies that the item lead time matches the planning lead time when either field is changed. The application will prompt the user asking if they would like to update that corresponding value. This feature introduces a new I/M Global Setup option to always synchronize the change. To enable this feature, go to Global Setup-> Dist-> I/M Global Setup-> screen 4-> 13. Sync Planning Lead Time With Item Lead Time?

13. Sync Planning Lead Time With Item Lead Time? - Default is Y. If set to N, the user will be asked if they wish to synchronize the two fields if either is changed. If set to Y, the fields will be automatically be  synchronized and the user will be notified with the following message:


This new option also affects the Inventory Management-> Utility-> Change Existing Item Import application. If the flag is set to "Y" and the imported values for the item lead time and the planning lead time are non-zero and do not match, this is considered an error condition that will stop the import with the following error message:

  Error: Lead Time And Planning Lead Time Must Match  

If the flag is set to "Y" and one value is provided but the other is not, this is considered a warning condition. The warning will print on the journal indicating that bot values will be updated.

Warning: Lead Time And Planning Lead Time Will Be Set To The Same Value


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