Release date: 4/6/2021
Version 8.5 & Up
This project adds support for a new field in the QTYAVAILBYCOMP attribute that will show the value in the "Purch or Mfg?" and "Mostly" fields on the Item Inquiry or Maintenance screen. If the item is a Kit item, the value in the QTYAVAILBYCOMP attribute will come from the first component with "M" in the "Purch or Mfg?" field. If a Kit item has no components with "M" in the "Purch or Mfg?" field, the value on the QTYAVAILBYCOMP attribute will be "P."
Begin by adding the following to Reference 4 for the QTYAVAILBYCOMP attribute (System Utilities --> System Files Setup --> Maintenance --> Attribute File)
Next, navigate to Global Setup --> Utilities --> I/M utilities --> Utilities --> generate statistic info --> Generate --> update qty. avail. by Comp. attribute --> Generate and run the report. The new "P/M/MM/MP (Kit from comp)" field has also been added to the CSV file generated when running the report.
In the following example for a Kit item, notice the value in "Purch or Mfg?" is "P."
Since this is a Kit item, we search Kit components for the first component with "M" in "Purch or Mfg?." In our example, the first "M" component has "P" in the "Mostly" field.
Thus, the value in the "P/M/MM/MP (Kit from Comp)" field will be "MP."
Modified programs: IMQACOMP.WS, IMQACOMP.PL, IMQACOMP.CBL, CPSABPRC.CBL (compile only)