Feature - Support for Verifone Point Devices with Card Chip Technology

Feature - Support for Verifone Point Devices with Card Chip Technology

Release date: 06/07/2019


Before the introduction of this feature, Elliott supported Verifone SIM devices through the SIM interface.  The SIM interface does not support chip cards (EMV) and Verifone will stop supporting it on 6/28/2019.  Beginning with Elliott version 8.59.605, Elliott supports and will only support Verifone Point POS devices, such as the Mx915, with card chip (EMV) technology.  Even though you may already be using non-POINT Mx915 devices (which look exactly the same as POINT Mx915 devices), they will stop working after 6/28/2019. 

Using this new POINT interface feature provides the benefits associated with using credit cards with an embedded chip (EMV), which are secure and protect the merchants from credit card fraud.  These POINT devices also support tapping the card that supports Near Field Communication (NFC) which includes payment method like Apple Pay, Samsung or Google Pay. Lastly, these devices continue supporting swiping for those cards that does not support chip or NFC.
 This article describes the steps required to configure and set up Elliott and your Point device for retail credit card transactions.  Once configured, credit card processing is the same as with swiping devices, except that cards with embedded chips will use the chip technology instead of swiping.

Before you can use your Point device you must:
  • Configure Elliott to interface with your Verifone PAYware Connect (PWC) account.
  • Configure your Point device.
  • Register your Point device to your workstation.

Configuring Elliott

You must get a merchant account through Netcellent's approved partner that is set up to process retail transactions using Verifone Point devices and to process direct XML-to-PWC transactions.  Elliott sends swipe/chip transactions to the Point device, but other transactions, like voids and completions, bypass the Point device and communicate directly to PWC via XML.  Following are the steps required to configure the XML-to-PWC portion:

Open Global Setup from the System Utilities menu and select add-Ons / On-line credit process.  Position to item 2 and select 4 (PAYware Connect-XML):

Enter the requested values as specified in your confirmation letter from our merchant service provider partner.

Please pay attention to the "Merchant Type" value:
  • M=MOTO (Mail Order or Telephone Order)
  • R=Retail (Point Devices and Payware Connect Hybrid Mode)
  • P=Point (Point Devices Only)
  • E=E-Commerce
The key question is: What is the difference between "R" & "P" since both of them support POINT devices?

In Verifone's Point implementation guidelines, it suggests that for a Point merchant account, all credit card transactions must go through a Point device. This means even when the accounting department wants to void or refund a charge, they have to run it through a Point device. This prevents the credit card number from ever being collected through the POS or ERP software and therefore isolates potential liabilities while meeting PCI compliance certification requirements.  When you set Merchant Type = "P," Elliott will enforce that all transactions go through a Point device.  It also means that you cannot enter a credit card number in Elliott -- transactions that require a credit card number must get the number from the device.  But this may not be convenient for the accounting person who wants to process the void or refund in front of his or her computer.

On the other hand, if you set Merchant Type = "R," the transaction will go through the Point device if one is configured for the user.  If the transaction does not need a credit card number (like Completion or Void) and no Point device is configured for the user, the communication will go to PAYware Connect directly.  This configuration would allow back office credit card transactions to be run without a Point device.

For Merchant Type "P", if there is no Point device configured, or if the Point device is not working, no credit card transactions can be processed by that user -- they would have to be processed at another workstation.  For Merchant Type "R", the absence of a configured Point device would mean transactions that do not require a credit card number can still process, bypassing any Point device and communicating directly with PAYware Connect.

That is to say, when Merchant Type = "R," you can almost use the Point merchant account in the same way as a MOTO account.  This is more convenient and flexible for you.  But keep in mind that this is not officially supported by Verifone for POINT merchant accounts, so you will be using this option at your own risk.  Also, there is one procedural difference when specifying Merchant Type R" (instead of "P") for  a Point account:  If you do a Completion without going through the Point device, you cannot Void it later.  In that case, you must make a Refund instead.

Once these values are saved, Elliott has been configured and you must then configure your Point device.

Configuring Your Point Device IP Address

Most of the information you need to communicate between the Point device and PWC comes pre-configured on the device.  All you need to do at the device is to specify its Internet location (IP address).  The device come pre-configured for DHCP and you need to change to a static IP address in order to work with Elliott Business Software.  The following KB article explains how to do this:

Registering Your Point Device

Credit Card Settings
From the main Elliott menu, select Setup to change your user preferences.  On the Misc. tab, press the Credit Card Settings... button.  You will see the following screen:

Click on the Point radio button.  Enter the IP address of your workstation in the IP Address:Port text box, followed by ":5015.

Port Number 5015 and 5016
The TCPIP ports used by POINT devices are 5015 and 5016. Port 5015 is used as the primary channel and 5016 is used as the secondary channel to cancel a pending transaction. You should make sure both port numbers 5015 and 5016 are open between the machine where Elliott is running and the POINT device.  Speak to your IT if you are not sure.

Payment Source
You must specify a Payment Source which transactions at this device will use.  Only the payment source flagged as POINT or RETAIL merchant types will displayed in the list.  If your organization has multiple locations, chances are you will have  different merchant accounts per location. Each merchant account will have a unique client ID in the format, such as 99999900010001. The POINT device you received is programmed with your client ID. When you choose the payment source from the list, the system will validate the payment source's client ID with the one on the device. If they don't match, you will be warned and you will not be able to use the device until you select a source with the matching Client ID. For this reason, you can't interchange POINT devices among different locations in your organization.

Register the Device (Pairing)
Finally, click the Setup... button.  You must login to Elliott as SUPERVISOR or SUPERVISOR equivalent in order for the Setup... button to be visible and available.. 

The following setup screen will appear to begin the registration process:

Click the Register this device button and follow the prompts:

You will see a screen like the following on the device:

After you enter the 4-digit number and press the Enter key on the device, your device will be registered and ready to use:

Press the Exit button or the Escape key to return to the Credit Card Settings screen.  When you perform a register or unregister, the settings are automatically saved.  Whether you press the Save or Cancel button on the Credit Card Settings screen, the configuration and registering of your Point device is complete.  You may now use this device for Retail transactions in Elliott.

Actions in Setup Actions for Point Device

Besides registering a device, you may also press Other actions... for more options:

These options, described on the screen above, may be used as required.

Modified programs: 


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