Release Date - 7/13/17
Note: This feature is only available in version 8.2 and above.
The Export Processer now supports the 12 Month History Summary file for the following tables and values:
Total sales for the customer by period
Total cost for the customer by period
Number of invoices for the customer by period
Total sales for the salesman by period
Total cost for the salesman by period
Total commission for the salesman by period
Number of invoices for the salesman by period
Vendor purchases for the vendor by period
Vendor amount paid for the vendor by period
Vendor discounts for the vendor by period
Gross pay for the employee by period
Taxable gross for the employee by period
FICA tax for the employee by period
Federal Withholding Tax for the employee by period
Earned Income Credit for the employee by period
State Withholding Tax for the employee by period
Other State Tax for the employee by period
City Withholding Tax for the employee by period
Tips reported for the employee by period
Employee meals for the employee by period
Total deductions for the employee by period
Tip credit for the employee by period
Total allowances for the employee by period
Net pay for the employee by period
Union deduction for the employee by period
Regular hours for the employee by period
Special hours for the employee by period
Overtime hours for the employee by period
Medicare tax for the employee by period
Inventory Locations:
Quantity sold for the item/location by period
Usage for the item/location by period
Sale amount for the item/location by period
Cost amount for the item/location by period
Demand quantity for the item/location by period
Demand sale amount for the item/location by period
Demand cost amount for the item/location by period
Sales Desk times out of stock for the item/location by period
Sales Desk times quoted for the item/location by period
Sales Desk number of wish list for the item/location by period
Sales Desk quantity of wish list for the item/location by period
Number of stock watch for the item/location by period
Days out of stock for the item/location by period
Quantity received for the item/location by period
As an example, when exporting fields for customers, a new Customer History folder is available. When this folder is expanded, there are three options: Sales, Cost and Invoices. Expanding the Sales folder will show 12 months and a total field. The new fields can be exported to CSV.
The new fields can also be used as a standard filter condition:
When choosing the Get Records button on the Process tab, this filter will be applied. The results can then be exported to a CSV file.
The 12 Months History file also supports the following tables:
Customer Type
Total sales for the customer type by period
Total cost for the customer type by period
Number of invoices for the customer type by period
Ship Via Codes
Order total sale amount for the ship via code by period
Order total weight for the ship via code by period
Order total volume for the ship via code by period
Number of invoices for the ship via code by period
Tax Codes
Sales amount for the tax code by period
Tax amount for the tax code by period
Miscellaneous amount for the tax code by period
Freight amount for the tax code by period
Terms Codes
Total sales for the order terms code by period
Number of invoices for the order terms code by period
Product Category Code
Line item sales amount for the product category by period
Line item cost amount for the product category by period
Location File
Line item sales amount for the location by period
Line item cost amount for the location by period
Operation ID
Std Direct Man Hours
Act Direct Man Hours
Std Shared Man Hours
Act Shared Man Hours
Std Machine Hours
Act Machine Hours
Std Burden Cost
Act Burden Cost
Std Direct Labor Cost
Act Direct Labor Cost
Std Shared Labor Cost
Act Shared Labor Cost
Qty Complete
Scrap Complete
Std Material Cost
Act Material Cost
Work Center
Std Material Cost
Act Material Cost
Std Direct Labor Cost
Act Direct Labor Cost
Std Shared Labor Cost
Act Shared Labor Cost
Std Burden Cost
Act Burden Cost
Std Direct Labor Hours
Act Direct Labor Hours
Std Shared Labor Hours
Act Shared Labor Hours
Std Machine Hours
Act Machine Hours
Qty Complete
Scrap Complete
Categories have been added to support the exporting of 12 Months History data for these tables.
The new categories are only available in the Export Processor and are not available in the Mass Email application.
The application will allow the user to choose fields from up to the last 6 years of data on file.