Feature - Stock Analysis Processing

Feature - Stock Analysis Processing

Release Date: 10/28/16

This new feature is available under COP -> Processing -> Pick/Pack Tickets/Ship Labels-> Stock Analysis.

This new feature is only available when the QTYAVAILBYCOMP, QTYAVAILBYCOM2 and QTYAVAILBYCOM3 attributes are in use. These attributes should be set up with the following values:

QTYAVAILBYCOMP attribute is designed for a special industry (faucets) where most of Elliott users does not apply. Therefore, this Stock Analysis feature is special add-on feature that's not applicable to most of Elliott users.

Stock Analysis function can perform the following:
Create Batch for up to 10 customers, based on an order number and entry date range.
User can review the orders in this range by line item and determine whether the order should be:
Canceled (it is not stocked, not possible to make, and not scheduled to be received).
Back Order (it is not stocked, not possible to make, but scheduled to be received).
Create Work Order (it is not stocked, but we have inventory to make the work order).
Pick from Stock
User can assign the status to the line item for the proper action. But the action does not take place until the user posts the batch.
User can optionally print an edit list to view all line items on the batch. This will provide similar information as the review screen, but in a print format.
Posting the batch will result in performing the actual actions. This includes:
Cancel the line item or order (if all line items on this order are canceled)
Back order the line item
Create Work Order

Even after the batch is posted, the user can still come back and see the progress status of the batch. When print edit list is chosen after the batch is posted, the system will provide additional information on the status of the line item.

The batch will be deleted once all line items in the batch are posted, canceled, or deleted. This action will be evaluated at the time of invoice posting.

Stock Analysis Processor

The main user interface will bring up the following window:

The cursor will be at the “Bat#” field. At this moment, the user can either enter an existing batch number or create a new batch. The F7 search key is supported.  The user is prompted for “User” first, which will default to the current USER ID. The user can erase it to make it “All” users. Or the user can press the F7 key to search for users who currently have batches on file.

After the user is selected, the search will prompt for “Batch” which defaults to blank. If user hits enter, then “All” batches will be returned for the user specified. The user can also enter a partial or full Batch ID to search. 

When creating a new batch, the application will prompt for up to 10 customers, an order number range, and a date range for each customer.

Based on the customers and ranges entered, the application will read the Elliott Order Files and import all related line items to create the batch.

In the above screen, a list of line items in the batch is displayed in the window. By default, the list is sorted by order number and line item sequence. The user can then evaluate the orders on a line item by line item basis to decide what to do for each line. Pressing Enter on the highlighted line item changes the status of the line item. Before the batch is posted, the line item status can be:
                Blank = Status is not assigned yet
                I = From Inventory
                C = Close This Line Item
                B = Back Order
                W = Create Work Order

Before the batch is posted, the user can change the above status from one to the other. But once the batch is posted, the user can no longer change this status. When the user reviews the posted batch, each order line item, in addition to above, could have the following status:

B = Back Order
W = Work Order Created
P = Pick Ticket Printed
T = Tracking Number Created
5 = 855/865 Sent
H = Order is on Hold
D = Order/Line Item Deleted
C = Line Item Has Been Closed
X = Line Item Has Been Cancelled 
A = ASN sent                
S = Selected/Invoiced
Z = Order Posted

The status field shown on the screen is a 5-character field that consist of 5 flags.

Flag 1 – Action Code can be Blank, I, C, B or W. This is the action that the user manually entered.
Flag 2 – Status (any value except P, 5 and A) – this can be Blank, B, W, H T, D, C, X, S, or Z. This is the current status of the line item.
Flag 3 – Pick Ticket Printed Status can be P or blank.
Flag 4 – 855/865 Sent Status can be 5 or blank.
Flag 5 – ASN Sent Status can be A or blank.

When the batch was first created, it was also possible that some of the orders and line items had been processed already, which may result in status code of the above value.

In the above sample screen, line 06/07 represents the total summary:
Stock – Total number of line items will or have been shipped from stock (before or after post)
BOMP – Total number of line items will or have created work order (before or after post)
BO – Total number of line items will be or have been back ordered (before or after post)
Cancel – Total number of line items will be or have been canceled (before or after post)
TtlLine – Total number of line items in this batch. Ideally, TtlLine = Stock + BOMP + BO + Cancel. If not, it’s an exception (like delete)
TtlOrd# - Total number of orders in this batch.
Pick – Number of orders have been printed with pick ticket already.
W/Trx# - Number of orders that have a tracking number.
Sel/Inv – Number of orders that have been selected for billing or printed with invoice.

The lines 09-18 are the line items area, which has the following columns:
Order# - This is the order number
Item# - This is the item number
Order – This is the line item quantity order
Stock – This is from attribute QTYAVAILBYCOMP3 – Stock Qty Avail (Neg) 
BOMP – This is from attribute QTYAVAILBYCOMP – BOMP Qty Avail
Schedule – This is from attribute QTYAVAILBYCOMP – Schedule Qty Avail
S – This is a Y or N field from QTYAVAILBYCOMP – Schedule Qty from Stock
Sched-Dt – This is from QTYAVAILBYCOMP – Next Schedule Date
R – This is a Y or N field from QTYAVAILBYCOMP – Sched Qty-RR Status
Prom-Dt – This is the promise date of the line item. User can back order this line and change to a different date.
Status – This is the status field as described previously.

Special Consideration for "Stock", "BOMP" and "Schedule" quantity.

For “Stock”, “BOMP” and “Schedule” quantity, it further consider back order and un-posted transactions in the batch as followings:
Stock = All netable location quantity on hand – quantity allocated. The particular order quantity is already part of the quantity allocated. When we see negative value in this column that means we are over allocating. However, we should consider the following factors:

  • We should add the Back Order quantity, since back order quantity is not going to be shipped right away. We will read item and inventory location to get all the back order quantity for all netable locations.
  • We should read through the ATP to find all positive BM quantity and add them back. These are the WO quantity that will be produced and increase the quantity availability. We don’t want the quantity on order because that include the PO quantity should may not be available for a long time.
  • If the line item is on the batch and not posted yet:
  • If it is to be canceled and the batch is not posted yet, then we should add the canceled quantity back.
  • If it is to be back ordered, then we should add the back order quantity back.
  • If it is to be produced, then we should add the line item quantity back.
  • he calculation should include all batches, not just this batch.
BOMP =This is the largest BOMP group quantity base on component availability. It should further consider the followings:
  • If the line item is to be produced and the batch is not posted yet, then we should reduce the BOMP quantity. This should include all batches, not just this batch.

Schedule=This is either from ATP base on either stock or components.

  • All line item that’s already back order, we can assume they will use the schedule quantity when arrive. Therefore, we should deduct them from this quantity. We will read through ATP to get this number.
  • All line item will become back order based on the batch, but not posted yet, should be deduct its quantity from this number as well too. This should include all the batches, not just this batch
We will modify the QTYAVAILBYCOMP attribute regen to consider the batch like we mention above. So we will use the same logic (use the same) in calculating the quantity.

The “Stock”, “BOMP and “Schedule” quantity we display is base on the same logic as QTYAVAILBYCOMP attribute calculation. The only difference we perform real time calculation so the number is up to date in the batch screen. We perform recalculation whenever we bring up the batch or when press F5=Refresh. Since this may take sometime, so we should display a progress window to indicate the item we are calculating

As the user highlights each order line item, the application will display the Bill To Name and Ship To Name of the order on the top at line 04/05. The Ship Via, Order Number Range, Order Entry Date Range and BOMP Work Order Number are displayed on line 6. Also, the bottom lines under the item list will also be re-displayed to reflect the item following information:

Item# - Item Number
Desc1 – Item Description 1
Desc2 – Item Description 2
PO Sched-Dt – This is from QTYAVAILBYCOMP3 – Next PO Date
PO Qty – This is from QTYAVAILBYCOMP3 – Next PO Qty
PO RR – This is a Y or N field from QTYAVAILBYCOMP3 – next PO Qty-RR Sts
BOMP Sched-Dt – This is from QTYAVAILBYCOMP3 – Next BOMP Date
BOMP Qty – This is from QTYAVAILBYCOMP3 – Next BOMP Schedule Qty Avail
BOMP RR – This is a Y or N field from QTYAVAILBYCOMP3 – Next BOMP Qty-RR Sts
Prod Cat - Product Category
Product Class - User-Defined Code
The “Weight” field represents the “Extended Weight” = Qty Order * Unit Weight.
The field “Max” at the bottom represents the “Maximum Qty Order” by reading through ATP for all sales order type
The P/M column value could be P, M, MP, MM and K (kit).

The very bottom line contains the literal of what function keys the user can use in this window:

Up – Up arrow key
Dn – Down arrow key
PgUp – Page Up key
PgDn – Page Down key
Ent=ChgSts – When the user presses Enter on a line, it means to change the status of this line. See above detail on status field
F1=Sort – By default, the line item will be sorted by order number + line item sequence number. User can use this key to re-sort by the following sequence:
Item Sequence – sort by item number + order number sequence
Stock Sequence – sort by stock qty, bomp qty, schedule qty and schedule date
Status Sequence - sort by status, order number, item number
F2=Stk – This will drill down to stock status inquiry screen
F3=Ord – This will drill down to order inquiry
F4=WO – This will drill down to work order inquiry if the line item is copied to BOMP.
F5=Refresh – As the user changes the status of each line item, the stock, BOMP or schedule qty is not changed. Therefore, it is possible that users may go over certain quantities without knowing it. The solution is the user can press F5, which results in the system re-evaluating the status that was entered and will set the current quantity balance of stock, BOMP and schedule. When the user exits out of the batch and comes back in again, these quantities will be recalculated again. This includes considering quantities on other batches as well. The following lines items should be used to deduct quantity: When the user brings up a batch, or when the user presses F5=Refresh, the system will calculate the following columns in real time:
Stock – This is from attribute QTYAVAILBYCOMP – All Loc Qty Avail
BOMP – This is from attribute QTYAVAILBYCOMP – BOMP Qty Avail
Schedule – This is from attribute QTYAVAILBYCOMP – Schedule Qty Avail
S – This is a Y or N field from QTYAVAILBYCOMP – Schedule Qty from Stock
Sched-Dt – This is from QTYAVAILBYCOMP – Next Schedule Date
R – This is a Y or N field from QTYAVAILBYCOMP – Sched Qty-RR Status

This is the same calculation as in the utility program to “Update Qty Avail. By Comp. Attribute” in Global Setup. After the system is done with the calculation in real time, it will update the QTYAVAILBYCOMP attribute and reflect the last changed user, date and time.

F6 (implied note support) - Allow adding notes to the order
F7=Opt – Advanced Options:
“Assign ‘I’ status for rest of items”. This function will look at all line items with a blank status and convert them to “I” (from Inventory).
“Assign ‘W’ status for rest of items”. This function will look at all line items with a blank status and convert them to “W” if they are a manufactured item.  
Allow users to print pick ticket or packing list (including DYO), one at a time.
Allow user to change the Order Frt/Ord Status
Allow user to Release a Held Order
Allow user to change the Ship Via Code
Allow user to change the Order Shipping Date
Ability to delete a batch
Ability to delete an order from the batch
Ability to add a range of orders to a batch (not allowed once it is posted)
Ability to merge on batch with another
Display a legend explaining the status field

Security – The user who created the batch can change and delete the batch. The supervisor (base or supervisory relationship) of this user can also change/delete the batch. The hardcoded user SUPERVISOR is always considered as the supervisor regardless of the supervisory relationship. A user who is not the creator of the batch or the supervisor of the creator of the batch cannot change, delete, or post the batch. However, they can print the edit list for the batch or they can view the batch through the Stock Analysis Processing application.

Stock Analysis Processing Edit List

Starting Batch - With F7 search
Ending Batch - With F7 search
User ID – Spaces for all
Export to CSV? – Store answer in registry and default to last entry. Default is N.
CSV File Path & Name – Store answer in registry.

This report will also have CSV Support. The following columns are included:
Ship - ORDER-SHIPPING-DATE, show "A.S.A.P." if zero value.
TrackNo – tracking number in the NOTE file      
P/M/K - Purchased, Manufactured, Feature or Kit
?? Bin - Picking Sequence for the item from the default location from I/M Setup 
ProdCat - Item Product Category
SOWght - Sales Order Weight
StockQty - This is from attribute QTYAVAILBYCOMP – All Loc Qty Avail 
BOMPQty - This is from attribute QTYAVAILBYCOMP – BOMP Qty Avail 
SchedQty - This is from attribute QTYAVAILBYCOMP – Schedule Qty Avail
SchedDt - This is from QTYAVAILBYCOMP – Next Schedule Date
SchedRRSts - This is from the QTYAVAILBYCOMP3 attribute - Next BOM Qty-RR Sts
PromDate - If CPSABATL-NEW-PROMISE-DATE is not = zero, use that date. Otherwise, it is the LINE-ITEM-REQUEST-DATE or LINE-ITEM-PROMISE-DATE depending on Global Setup values.
Sts – Status Field as defined above.

Stock Analysis Processing Register

Starting Batch - With F7 search
Ending Batch - With F7 search
User ID – Spaces for all
Posting Sequence - Default value is "I" to post by Batch and Item Number.  A value of "O" will post by Batch, Order Number and Line Number. 

Programs Modified: CP0200, CP0305, IMQACOMP, IMQACOMS