Release Date - 5/19/16
When printing the tag tag variance reports from I/M-> Processing-> Physical Count Processing-> Reports-> By Warehouse/Variance Amt and
I/M-> Processing-> Physical Count Processing-> Reports-> By Item/Warehouse, the user has the option to show Variance Items Only. This parameter was based on a cost variance. If the item has a quantity variance but it is a zero cost item, the variance will not print on the report. A new option has been added to allow the user to choose to only show items with a quantity variance.
Variance Items Only? - This field defaults to N. Choosing Y will only print items with a cost variance. Choosing Q will print items with a quantity variance even if there is no cost variance. Choosing N will show all items even if they do not have a quantity or cost variance.
When running
I/M-> Processing-> Physical Count Processing-> Reports-> By Warehouse/Variance Amt and choosing Y or N, this report will print in descending order by the cost variance. If Q is chosen for the Variance Items Only prompt, the report will print in descending order by the quantity variance.
The I/M-> Processing-> Physical Count Processing-> Reports-> By Item/Warehouse Report also supports this new option.
Variance Items Only? - This field defaults to N. Choosing Y will only print items with a cost variance. Choosing Q will print items with a quantity variance even if there is no cost variance. Choosing N will show all items even if they do not have a quantity or cost variance. The sorting order for this report has not changed.
NOTE: If, after installing this update, you receive a Btrieve 139 error on the Variance Work File or the Tag Work File, you will need to regenerate the tag work files. This can be done by running
The I/M-> Processing-> Physical Count Processing-> Reports-> Generate Tag Work File.