Date Released: 8/21/18
This feature gives users the ability to move import files that contain errors to an error directory during the Interface process. This is helpful for users who want to use defer processing to
import sales orders every few minutes. Currently, if there’s an error in the
import file, it won’t be imported but it will be imported again a few
minutes later with the same error. Once this feature is enabled, files containing errors can be moved to a separate directory where the user can review the files, correct the errors, and move the files back to the standard directory for processing.
This field is enabled through Global Setup-> Add-ons-> Sales Order Import-> Fields 26 and 27.
26. Move File with Errors to Different Folder? - Default value is N. If set to Y, import files containing errors will be moved to the directory specified in field 27 when interfacing.
27. Move Import File with Errors To This Folder - Specify a folder. The folder must exist.
If an error is encountered during the interface process, the import file will be moved to the error directory specified. An error message will print on the report specifying the directory and the file name that was moved. For example:
*** Errors Found. Import File Moved to s:\edi\import\errors\AlliedUsOrdersEOD201806142564999.txt ***
Once this function is enabled, it is recommended that users subscribe to the Sales Order Import event ORDERIMP. This event can be configured to notify users when errors are encountered during the sales order import. Users can subscribe to this event "Sales Order Import" from Company File Maintenance. The program is CPORDIMP. The type is ORDERIMP.
Once selected, choose the filter tab.
Add a filter based on the number of errors field. If the number of errors is greater than zero, users should be notified that a file has been moved to the error directory for their review.