Updated: 12/2/21
Version: 8.5 and Above
When running Customer Order Processing-> Processing-> Print Pick/Pack Ticket & Lbls-> Print-> Minimum Transfer Requirements Report, a new option is available for the Base On Min or Reg Qty? parameter. A value of "O" can be specified. This option will calculate the minimum quantity based on items that are only available in remote bins. Remote bins are indicated by specifying a Priority Cutoff.
For example, if the "O" option is chosen with a priority cutoff of 03/03/03, only those items that are only stocked in a bin with a fixed priority greater than or equal to 03/03/03 will be selected to be transferred. If the items are stocked in both higher bins and lower bins, they will not be selected to be transferred.
If the "M" or "R" option is chosen with a priority cutoff 03/03/03 (normally, you should just enter a cutoff of ALL), then the application will suggest replenishing inventory from those bins with a fixed priority of 03/03/03 and
higher, even though there are lower bins available. If the item has inventory available in lower bins but nothing available in a higher bin, the item will not be selected to be transferred.
The user also has the ability to enter the ATP Cutoff Days. This entry is used to determine which ATP records should be considered when calculating the minimum quantity that needs to be transferred. This option is applicable when the Base On Min or Reg Qty? is set to "M" or "O."
When the Base On Min or Reg Qty? is set to "M" or "O." the report will not consider ATP records for orders that have not had a picking ticket printed. If a picking ticket has not been printed, the order must not be on credit hold and the item cannot be fully backordered to be considered for inclusion on the report. Also, orders that are on a staging batch that has completed staging verification will not be included in the calculations.
Entering 0 (zero) uses a cutoff of the system date. Entering 1 (one) uses a cutoff of the system date plus one day. Entering 999 will consider all ATP transactions on file.
Location – Warehouse location used to generate the report.
Starting Bin No. and Ending Bin No. - Enter the starting and ending bin number range. Enter spaces in the starting bin number for all bins. F7 searches for the bin number are supported.
Create Inventory Transfer Batch? – Answer Y to generate a replenishment transfer batch. Answer No to generate only the report.
Base on Min Or Reg Qty? - Options are M=Minimum Qty, R=PICKBIN Replenish Qty, and O=Min Qty & Only in Remote Bin. Choose which calculation method should be used when generating the report and transfer batch. If M or O is chosen, enter the number of ATP cutoff days to be used when determining the minimum quantity. Enter a number between 0 and 999 where Zero=Today and 999=All dates.
Priority Cut-Off - Enter the bin fixed priority to be considered when determining the bins to use for the transfer batch.
Close Open Replenishment Batches? – If this option is set to Yes, the application will close any open replenishment transfer batches that are currently on file. The batches will also be posted to history automatically. This will happen even if a new transfer batch is not created.
Programs Modified: CPRESTKS, CPRESTKM