Feature - Release Manually Held Orders

Feature - Release Manually Held Orders

Release Date: 8/8/19
Updated: 10/16/19 - Support for Include/Exclude States added

Version: 8.5 and up

This new feature is similar to the Mass Release Held Order application in Global Setup -> Utilities -> COP Utilities -> Release Held Order. The Release Held Order utility can only be used to release orders that were put on hold by Elliott automatically. These orders will have a hold reason note that explains why the order was put on hold. The Release Held Order utility will check if such a note exists. Even though the Release Held Order utility can also print those orders that were put on hold manually (orders without a hold reason note), the utility will not release those orders. This is because the application does not know the reason why the operator manually put the order on hold in the first place. 

However, some users take orders on their website and place those orders on hold by passing the freight pay code = “H” when the order is created. This is equivalent to putting the order on hold manually and there is no held order note for that order. These orders have to be released  manually through the “Held Order Release” application. Due to the volume of orders created through the website, it may tedious to release all of the orders by hand. This new feature gives the user a way to automate this procedure.

Another menu choice  has been added to Global Setup for this new application - Global Setup -> Utilities -> COP Utilities -> Release Manually Held Order. 

1. Starting/Ending Order Number - Enter a range of order numbers or press Enter for all orders.

2. Starting/Ending Customer Number - Enter a range of customer numbers or press Enter for all customers. F7/F8 search by customer number/name is available.

3. Include or Exclude Customer Type - Valid options are: I=Include and X=Exclude. The default is “I.” Enter up to 5 customer types after entering I or X. If I=Include is used, the user can press Enter for all customer types. If X=Exclude is used, at least one valid customer type must be entered. F7 search is available for the customer type fields.

4. Include or Exclude Terms Code - Valid options are: I=Include and X=Exclude. The default is “I.” Enter up to 10 terms codes after entering I or X. If I=Include is used, the user can press Enter for all terms codes. If X=Exclude is used, at least one valid terms code must be entered. F7 search is available for the terms code fields.

5. Include or Exclude Ship Via Codes  - Valid options are: I=Include and X=Exclude. The default is “I.” Enter up to 10 ship via codes after entering I or X. If I=Include is used, the user can press Enter for all ship via codes. If X=Exclude is used, at least one valid ship via code must be entered. F7 search is available for the ship via code fields. 

6. Include or Exclude States  - Valid options are: I=Include and X=Exclude. The default is “I.” Enter up to 10 states after entering I or X. If I=Include is used, the user can press Enter for all states. If X=Exclude is used, at least one valid state must be entered. F7/F8 search is available for the state fields.

7. EDI Orders - Valid options are Y=Yes (only EDI orders), N=No (only non-EDI orders), or A=All (all orders regardless of the EDI flag). The default is A=All.

8. Order Ship Date <= - Press Enter for the System Date or enter a specific date. Entry of zeroes for "All" dates is not allowed. Users can manually enter 12/31/30.

9. Order Salesman - Enter a valid salesman or press Enter for all salesmen. F7 search by salesman is available.

10. Shippable Total Amount GE or LE - Valid options are: G=Greater Equal and L=Less Equal. The default is "G." Enter a comparison amount after entering G or L. The default is zero, which means all amounts.

11. For Orders with Shipping Instructions - Valid options are: N=Orders with No Shipping Instr. Only, Y=Orders with Shipping Instr. Only,  and A=All. The default is A.

12. Preview? - Enter "Y" to only preview orders for the release process. No update of files will occur. Enter "N" to process all orders with status of "Rel." The application will remove the held status on the Order Header record and write to the "release held order CSV log" if this feature is enabled.

13. Create CSV File ? Enter "Y" to create a CSV file using data found on the report.  Keep in mind that this is not the same as "release held order CSV log."

14. File Path & Name

A report is generated listing orders that meet the selection criteria an whether or not they will be released.

If the Create CSV file option is set to Y, a CSV file will be created with the following columns:

Order# - the order number

OrdDate - the order date

ShipDate - the shipping date

Cust# - the order customer number

ShpToName - the order ship-to name

ShipAmt - the order total amount to be shipped

Sts - the release status (either REL for release or blank if the order will not be released)

ReasonNotEligible - the reason the order will not be released

Also, you should be aware that when an order is released through the auto release manually held order utility, it carries a different weight than order is released through the "Release Held Order" function.  For example, you may choose to re-check order credit during pick ticket printing per Global Setup.  If the order is released through "Release Held Order," it will not be subject to pick ticket credit checking again.  If the order is released through "Auto Release Manually Held Order Utility," it still will be subject to pick ticket credit checking.  

Programs Modified: NSCTLUT4



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