Feature - Receivings Processing Mass Receiving Changes

Feature - Receivings Processing Mass Receiving Changes

Release date: 11/18/2017

The following changes were made to PO ---> Processing --> Receivings processing ---> Mass receiving

1) Vessel Number is now the second field on the Mass PO Receiving screen.  This will allow the receipt date to be populated with a date from the Vessel file if the vessel number is entered and the vessel exists.

2) When doing Mass receiving, if there are already records in the regular receiving transaction file (POTRXFIL) or the warehouse receiving transaction file (POWHRECI), a warning message will be shown and the user will be asked if they want to continue.

3) The program will check for any transaction records in the receivings transaction file (POTRXFIL) or the warehouse receiving transaction file (POWHRECI).  If records exist, a message will show on the report and zero quantity will be received.

4) The program will now close the line item, add totals to the IM Vessel file (IMVESSEL), and trigger a receipt event.

Modified programs: PO2000, POMASSCN, POMASRPT


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