Feature - Production Schedule Report CSV Export Salesperson Number and Name as Columns

Feature - Production Schedule Report CSV Export Salesperson Number and Name as Columns

Release Date: 4/17/24
Version: 8.5 & Up


Production Schedule Report is a BOMP feature located in Bill of Material Processor > Report > Production Schedule Report. It prints a list of items scheduled to be produced. For more information on this, check out the main article on the topic. This feature later was enhanced to allow exporting to CSV files, and after that, to support exporting of Customer Numbers and Customer Names and Customer Notes. This feature is a continuous improvement to support Production Schedule Report CSV exports.


The CSV export in Production Schedule Report now supports customer numbers and customer names as columns, called "SlmNo" and "SlmName," respectively. Below is a screenshot from a test CSV file produced in Production Schedule Report.

This feature only applies to material work orders, not legacy or plus work orders. This means that field 9, "Work Order Type," must be M for this feature to work.

Once the fields have been filled out and field 9 has been set to "M," type "Y" in field 19, "Export to CSV?." Fill out the desired file path, and you will have a CSV file with the new columns. 

Programs Modified: BM25P3