Release Date - 8/2/16
When the QTYAVAILBYCOMP attribute is in use, users now have the ability to create a note containing the kit parent of the component that is produced. This note is created if the Create WO Kit Note in WO F3 Copy By Ord# for Kit Comp is set to Y, if the work order is created from a COP order for a kit item with a manufactured component, and if this information is provided when the work order is created.
This feature is enabled through Util-Setup-> Global Setup-> Dist-> BOMP Global Control- Screen 6:
2. Create WO Kit Note in WO F3 Copy By Ord# for Kit Comp? - Default value is N. If set to Y, a note will be created containing the kit parent item number of the manufactured component being produced.
3. Note Type for Creating WO Kit Note - Enter the note type to use when creating the work order note.
To print the note on the production work order, the Print To Work/Shop Order option must be enabled for the note type in Util-Setup-> Notes Processing-> NoteType.
Set 16. Print To Work/Shop Ord to Y to enable printing on the work order.
When a work order is created in BOMP that is linked to a COP Order for a kit parent with a manufactured component, the note will be automatically created if the Create WO Kit Note in WO F3 Copy By Ord# for Kit Comp option is set to Y and the
QTYAVAILBYCOMP attribute is in use.
This note will print on the BOMP work order if the note type is set up to do so.
NOTE: This functionality is only available for Material Work Orders. The order must be created in BOMP using the F3 Copy By COP Order number function or by importing the work order through the import CSV option. When using the Import CSV option, the user must specify the COP Order Number and Line Number when creating the work order.