Feature - Override Order EDI Flag in Order Entry

Feature - Override Order EDI Flag in Order Entry

Release Date: 9/6/2016

For a manually entered order, the order header ORDER_EDI_FLAG flag can be determined by customer's EDI profile "Mark Manually Entered Order As EDI" if profile exist.  Otherwise, a manually entered COP Sales Order is flagged as none-EDI order by default. On the other hand, if the order is created through EDI Sales Order Import process, then this flag should be set to "Y". in some situations, user may want to change an order's ORDER_EDI_FLAG to "Y" when the default is "N", and vice versa.

This new feature allows users to override an order's EDI status flag from N (no) to Y (yes) or from Y to N.

A new flag is introduced in Global Setup -> Cop-Func -> Order Header Screen:
    40. Password to override EDI flag in Order Header
By default, this feature is disabled, and field 40 in the Order Header screen setup will look like the following screen. To activate this feature,  enter a password in field 40. See sample screen below:

After the password has been set up, when on field 1. Order date, F1 = Toggle Order EDI Flag will be available.

If F1 is pressed, a window will appear that will allow an EDI Flag Override Password to be entered.

If the correct password is entered, the EDI flag will be changed. And if the flag is now Y, the ***This Is An EDI Order*** literal
will display on the upper right corner of the screen.



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