If the user enters a value that’s not blank in field 20, then a pop-up window will ask the user:
Enter production info for line item in popup window?
The default value is “N.” If the user answers Yes, a window will pop up and prompt the user for more information about the production order.
This window will pop up if the user enters the matching vendor in field 12, Vendor 12.
For Work Order Type, the user can enter:
Blank =
O = Legacy Work
M = Material Work
P = Plus Work
Blank is the default value. If you leave this field blank, then the Buffer Days and Production Lead Time will be skipped, which means all three fields are not used.
For Buffer Days, the default value
will come from BOMP Global Control, field “10. Buffer Days to Use When Copy COP
to BOMP WO?” The user can override this value. The expected date is calculated using this value. Once the buffer days are entered, the user can manually enter the expected date. If the user overrides the calculated date, the buffer days is recalculated and updated on the screen.
For Production Lead Time, the
default value will come from Item Master planning lead time. The user can override
it. The expected date is calculated using this value.
Once the production lead time days are entered, the user can manually enter the expected date. If the user overrides the calculated date, the production lead time days is recalculated and updated on the screen.
The above values will be used in the following areas:
(1) BOMP -> Processing -> Copy COP Orders Into BOMP. On that screen, the field “5. Copy to WO Type” value will be compared against the value that was entered in order entry. If it matches, the production order will be created. If the work order type specified on the order line does not match, the line item will be skipped and no production work order will be generated.
(2) BOMP -> Processing -> Production Order Entry. You may be in either Legacy, Material or Plus Work Order. In the “2. Item No” field, you can press F3/F4 to copy from COP by Order#/Item#. If the work order type entered on the COP order does not match the work order type application you are in, the system will not display the item in the list to be copied.
(3) IM -> Util-Setup -> ATP Regen & Processing -> ATP Processing. You may convert an “O” type of record to work order. The system will respect the value in LINE-ITEM-BOMP-ORDER-TYPE when creating the work order type specified on the order line item.
In addition, we need to change the
following areas in Order Entry to support these three new
Copy Order – The value entered will be copied to the new order created.
Consolidate Order – The value entered will be consolidated on the new order.
Blank Order - The value entered will be on the releases created.
Opposite ATP - When the opposite ATP records are generated for feature items, the opposite ATP record will calculate the transaction date using the buffer days and lead time entered on the line item, if applicable.
Once the production work order for the line item has been created in the Bill Of Material module, the screen will display the work order number and the actual start and due dates. Once the production work order has been created, the values on the Order Line Item cannot be changed.