Release Date: 4/8/19
Version 8.2 and up
In some rare situation, the kit components may be missing in CPORDOPT table. This feature adds the ability to check for missing kit components for an order with the ability to create CPORDOPT records for the missing components. Also, this utility can now be run for a range of orders instead of all orders on file.
3. Check For Missing Kit Components? Valid options are N=No Check, W=Check With Warning, and C=Create Missing Components. The default value is N. If W is chosen, information pertaining to any missing components will print on the report. If C is chosen, the application will create CPORDOPT records based on the records for the kit parent in the kit file. The user will receive a warning message if the C option is chosen asking if they are sure they want to create the missing component records. This can be potentially dangerous. You should not answer "C" unless you are instructed by a Netcellent's support rep to do so.
4. Starting Order No. - Enter a starting order number to be used by the utility. Pressing Enter will default the value to All.
5. Ending Order No. - Enter an ending order number. This is field is only accessible if the a starting order number was entered.
Programs Modified: CPORDCHS, CPORDCHK