Release Date: 1/8/19
The feature allows the user to drill down to the line item audit trail information for an order. A new F4=ChgHst option has been added to the Order Inquiry program.
The F4=ChgHst option is also available from the End of Line Items screen.
Finally, the F4=ChgHst option is also available from the Order Inquiry Order Totals screen.
When the F4 key is pressed, the user is presented with a list of dates when the order was changed.
Order# - The order number viewed in the inquiry program
Cust - Customer number
Ship-To - If a ship-to is present on the order, it is displayed to the right of the customer number.
Ship-To Name - The ship-to name is displayed to the right of the ship-to number.
Entered - This is the date the order was entered.
Pick Date - This is the date the picking ticket was printed. This date and literal will only display if the picking ticket has been printed.
Inv Date - This is the date the invoice was printed. This date and literal will only display if the invoice has been printed.
This information is grouped by date and user. If two users change the same order on the same day, two separate lines will be shown with one for each user.
Date - The date when the line items were updated
First - The first recorded time for the date for the user
Last - The last recorded time for the date for the user
Elapse - The number of minutes between the first time and the last time
By - The Elliott user ID who made the change
Add - The number of records added
Chg - The number of records changed
Del - The number of records deleted
Cnl - The number of line items cancelled
Cls - The number of line items closed
Shp - The number of times the ship date was changed on the order
From this screen the user can press Enter to review the details of the changes made.
Order# - The order number viewed in the inquiry program
Date - The date of the change selected from the summary screen
Change Information
Time - Time the change was made
Line - The order line item number
Item# - Item number
Act - Action - Possible options are A (line item added), C (line item changed), D (line item deleted), V (line item cancelled), X (line item closed), and S (ship date changed)
Orig/New Qty Ord - Original and new quantity ordered
Orig/New Unit Prc - Original and new unit price
O/New Disc% - Original and new discount percent
Orig/New Req-Date - Original and new request date
Orig/New Prm-Date - Original and new promise date
Bottom Information
Item - Description from the line item audit trail file
By - Elliott user who changed the line item
Act - Full description of the action code - Possible options are Add, Change, Delete, Cancel, Close, and Ship Date.
Source - Application where the change occurred - Possible options are Order Entry, Sales Desk, Quote, Blanket Order, Cancel Order, Consolidate, Order Import, Web Services, Recurring Order, Fill Back Order, and Stock Analysis.
Export - Display whether the line item audit information been exported
OrigOrd - The original order number if the order was consolidated or copied from another order
Restricted Access to the Drill Down
Restricting a user from seeing an item's cost is set up through User Global Security.
A new Global Setup flag has been added that will restrict access to the inquiry based on whether or not the user can see cost.
If option 8. Must User See Cost To See COP Order Revision is set to Yes and the user does not have rights to see the item cost, they will not have access to the F4=ChgCst feature.