Feature - Order Acknowledgment Email Contacts

Feature - Order Acknowledgment Email Contacts

Release Date - 3/3/16

In Elliott, we have an existing order acknowledgement email which you can access from COP -> Processing -> Order Entry -> Print-Order-Ack -> Send Email.  The purpose of the feature is to add "System Date" support to the Starting Entry Date criteria. This will allow the user to defer the process and generate emails only for orders entered on the current system date. 

This is accomplished through the use of the F1 key when on the Starting Entry Date field. Pressing the F1 key will display (System Date), indicating that the Order Date Entered must be equal to the system data for the order acknowledgement email to be sent. Pressing the F1 key again will disable this feature.

The feature also changes the hierarchy used when searching for email contact information. This is based on the Global Setup-> System-> eContact Manage setting 13. Send Shipment/Order Confirmation Email to Who? 

The options are:

P=Order Contacts or Ship-To/Customer Primary Contact, E=Per eContact Designation    

The default behavior is P. If the flag is not set to "E," the following hierarchy is used:

(1) It send out emails to all contacts on the order.
(2) If no order contacts are found, and there's a ship-to for order, the program will look for a ship-to eContact. If one is found, the program will use the contact if it is designated as the primary contact.
(3) If no order contacts or ship-to contacts are found, then the program will look for customer eContacts. If found, program use the contact if it is designated as the primary contact.

If the flag is set to "E," the following is used:

(1) If there are eContacts on the order, the program will find the one that's marked as "ship confirm" and send the email to them.
Note: The eContacts relationship are copied to the order, by default, and all contacts "ship confirm" are set to "Y."   Unless the user specifically turns them off, otherwise, all will receive, which is for backward compatibility purposes.
(2) If there's a ship-to for order, the program will look for ship-to eContact. If there are any contacts marked as "ship confirm," the program will use the contact. 
(3) If any customer eContacts exist that are marked as "ship confirm", the program will use the contact.

Note: Up to 10 contacts will be used when sending the order acknowledgments.

Two new options have been added to Global Setup -> Cop-Func -> Print Order/Quote/RMA to suppress the generation of Order Confirmation emails for EDI and pickup orders.

  17. Exclude EDI Orders for Order Confirmation Email?  The default is Y. If set to N, EDI orders will generate Order Confirmation Emails.
  18. Exclude Pickup Orders for Order Confirmation Email? The default is Y. If set to N, Pickup orders will generate Order Confirmation Emails.

Modified Programs: CP01S2E, CP01P2E, NSCTLFIL.FD, NSCTLFIL.W30, NSCTLMN5


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