Release Date: 6/24/24
Version: 8.5 and Above
A negative production transaction can be processed for various reasons. It may be entered against a production work order that was created with a positive quantity to be produced. In this situation, the user is generally trying to correct a mistake for a previously posted transaction. Another scenario is the entry of a negative production order for the purpose of disassembly. Both of these result in the entry of a negative production transaction. Some users do not want to update an item's usage in the item master and in the location history file, especially in the case of disassembly since a true disassembly may not be able to disassemble
the parent down to the original components. Also, disassembly in a different period from the the parent's original assembly will update a different period in the location history file. In that case, you may not want
the usage updated. But if the majority of your negative production transactions are for correction purposes, you may want the usage quantity updated.
This feature allows the user to choose whether usage is reduced when a negative production transaction is posted for a material work order. A new Global Setup flag has been added to support this feature. It is available from Global Setup-> Dist-> BOMP Global Setup-> Screen 7-> 6. Update Usage When Post Negative Production Trx?
6. Update Usage When Post Negative Production Trx? - Default is N. Setting this option to Y will update the item master file and the inventory location history file when a negative production transaction is posted for a material work order.