Elliott currently supports credit card level 2 transactions. This means, in addition of passing the credit card number, expiration number info when charge a credit card, we also pass additional information like CVV2,
Address, Invoice number, Sales Tax …etc. If the credit card transaction is qualified as level 2, then the merchant rate lower is than the normal credit card.
In this feature, we support credit card level 3 transactions. To qualify as level 3 transactions, Elliott needs to send the information required by level 2 plus additional line item information. If the transaction is qualified for level 3, then the merchant rate is further reduced. These are mostly for business to business transactions processed on corporate purchase cards and are mostly supported by MasterCard and Visa. Currently Elliott interfaces with Credit Card payment gateway in the following areas:
To support level 3 for orders processed in Customer Order Processing is not a problem since sales order line item information is available. The line item information provided in the credit card transaction is supplied as “reference only”. Therefore, as long as the information is provided, the transaction is level 3 qualified. As for credit card transactions processed directly through A/R Credit Card Transaction Processing, it can be a potential problem since the amount paid in A/R credit card transaction processing may not reference to any invoice so no line item information is available.
To resolve this issues, the credit card payment gateway Elliott interface with allow the user to set up default line item values within their portal to be sent for level 3 to qualify for the reduced rates. In this example, we providing sample setup for PayTrace payment portal. To support this new interface, new global setup options are available.
Once the payment gateway account is created, an email will be sent to you to allow you to setup the payment gateway admin user's password for the first time. Your email may look like the following:
The attached Word document file contains helpful information on how to operate your merchant account with Paytrace portal. It is important that you click on the link "Click Here To Set Your Password". As of writing, the password policy require minimum 8 digits with both alphabetic and numeric characters. Once the password is setup, you will see the following message:
Now you need to go to https://www.paytrace.com/login.pay and login with your user id and newly created password. Then select the image (emoji) you want to use for secondary security. See sample screen below:
Then system will ask you to agree with your "Account Detail" and "Paytrace billing agreement". When all these are done, you are now in Paytrace.com payment portal. See following screen:
Create an API User
In the Paytrace portal, choose Users -> New User, create a new API User, see sample screen below:
Elliott requires the API user ID and password to setup Elliott on-line credit card processing interface. Note the API User password never expires but you can't use it to login the Paytrace portal.
On the other hand, you can login using the admin user that was created for you. However, the password for the admin account will expire every 90 days which requires you to assign a new password. The admin user is used to handle exception scenarios. Under most situations, you do not need to login to Paytrace's admin user account.
Level 2 and 3 data is additional information that can be sent through with your transactions that can help qualify certain types of credit cards for lower merchant rates. Please be aware that not all credit cards are level 2 or level 3. Level 2 and 3 data typically can help when accepting Business Cards, Purchasing Cards, Corporate Cards, or Government (GSA) Cards. Providing this information helps reduce the risk associated with the funding of the transactions by the card brands, which results in lower processing rates.
Elliott's credit card interface already sends all necessary data to qualify for credit card level 2 rate if applicable. On the other hand, Elliott currently does not send line item data which is necessary to qualify level 3 rate. For this reason, it is necessary for you to set up Level 3 defaults with your PayTrace Virtual Terminal Account before processing any level 3 credit card transaction. To do so, on Paytrace portal, choose "Virtual Terminal" -> Add Level 3 Data. Then choose "Setup Default Data - Visa," once done, choose "Setup Default Data - Mastercard." See sample screen below:
The following are sample screens for Visa:
Enhanced Data
Line Item Data
Click "Save" to save it. Then choose "Set Default Data - Mastercard" which is similar to Visa:
Level 2 Data
Enhanced Data
Line Item Data
Go to System Utilities-> Global Setup-> Add-Ons-> Online Credit Process-> Field 2. Interface with Which CC Gateway Software.
2. Interface with Which CC Gateway Software - The options are 3=PAYware Connect-SIM, 4=PAYware Connect-XML, 5=Level 3. Choose 5 for level 3 support.
This will popup a window asking for more information about the gateway interface.
Username - Enter your virtual terminal username. This is a field supports up 50 characters.
Change Password? - Answer Y or N. You should enter Y if this is the first time you are setting up the password.
Password - Enter the virtual terminal password. This field supports up to 16 characters.
Merchant Type - Enter the merchant type. The options are M=MOTO (Mail Order or Telephone Order), R=Retail (Point Devices - Not supported at this time) and E=E-Commerce.
The API URL for the gateway needs to be specified. Go to field 18. Level 3 URL.
18. Level 3 URL - Enter the URL used by the API. Example: https://api.paytrace.com
The level 3 credit card gateway can also be setup as a payment source. To setup a payment source, go to Accounts Receivable-> Maintenance-> Payment Source File-> 6. Custom CC Interface.
6. Custom CC Interface -
The options are 3=PAYware Connect-SIM, 4=PAYware Connect-XML, 5=Level 3, Space=Dflt. Choose 5 for level 3 support.
This will popup a window asking for more information about the gateway interface.
Username - Enter your virtual terminal username. This is a field supports up 50 characters.
Change Password? - Answer Y or N. You should enter Y if this is the first time you are setting up the password.
Password - Enter the virtual terminal password. This field supports up to 16 characters.
Merchant Type - Enter the merchant type. The options are M=MOTO (Mail Order or Telephone Order), R=Retail (Point Devices - Not supported at this time) and E=E-Commerce.
Note: If using a specific level 3 Payment Source other than the default credit card payment source, you will need to set up System Utilities-> Global Setup-> Add-Ons-> Online Credit Process-> Field 18. Level 3 URL.
All level 3 credit card transactions are recorded in the following log file <ElliottRoot>\Log\<CompanyNo>\JSON2CRC.LOG. Below is an example of a keyed sale request/response.
2023/04/21 06:17:34.669 Connect : https://api.sandbox.paytrace.com/v1/transactions/sale/keyed
2023/04/21 06:17:34.675 Request: {"amount":6.11,"credit_card":{"number":"401200******5439","expiration_month":"**","expiration_year":"**"},"integrator_id":"************","csc":"***","billing_address":{"name":"JOHN SMITH","street_address":"4030 Valley Blvd Ste","street_address2":null,"city":null,"state":null,"zip":"91789","country":"US"},"invoice_id":"CKB644","shipping_address":{"name":"JOHN SMITH","street_address":"4030 Valley Blvd Ste","street_address2":null,"city":null,"state":null,"zip":"91789","country":"US"},"email":"","tax_amount":"1.00","customer_reference_id":""}
2023/04/21 06:17:40.338 Response: {"JsonResponse":"{\"success\":true,\"response_code\":101,\"status_message\":\"Your transaction was successfully approved.\",\"transaction_id\":124800522,\"approval_code\":\"TAS619\",\"approval_message\":\" NO MATCH - Approved and completed\",\"avs_response\":\"No Match\",\"csc_response\":\"Match\",\"external_transaction_id\":\"\",\"masked_card_number\":\"xxxxxxxxxxxx5439\"}","ErrorMessage":null}
Sales Completions that are over 30% of the original preauthorization will be processed as a sales transaction. For example, if an preauthorization for an order is processed for 11.04 but the final charge is processed for 16.04 using the preauthorization transaction ID, the transaction will be processed as a Sale in stead of a Completion and the original preauthorization will be voided.
A Forced Sale is a special transaction in credit card processing. You will use the force credit card transaction when you can't get authorization the normal way. This can be, for example, when the credit card charge amount is large and the credit card company wants to talk to the merchant over the phone before authorizing the transaction. There are other reasons as well. Over the phone, if it is approved, the credit card company will give an approval number.
This type of sales transaction is not supported through the PayTrace API and therefore "Force" transactions are not supported in A/R Credit Card Transaction Handle for this payment source. However, after the verbal approval has been received and recorded through the Pay Virtual Terminal the transaction must be recorded in Elliott via A/R Credit Card Transaction Handle as a Sale. The approval number should be entered in Field 21 but you should not press the F4 key for Credit On-Line Process.
The user will be prompted with the following message. Answer Y.
This will record the transaction in Elliott after the transaction is posted.
Programs Added: EL8PWPCS.cs, EL8PWPNL.vb