Feature - Notes Tracking from PO Warehouse Receiving to Inventory Transfer Management to Inventory Transaction

Feature - Notes Tracking from PO Warehouse Receiving to Inventory Transfer Management to Inventory Transaction

Release Date - 3/9/16

The purpose of this feature is to keep track of extra notes information for a particular receiving transaction from PO warehouse or legacy receiving.  The information will be recorded at time of receiving, possibly carrying thru inventory transfer management, then eventually become a note that attaches to the inventory transaction file.

Warehouse Receiving

Support for the 5 Amigos has been added to Warehouse Receiving. Support has been added to the Add, Change and Delete mode of the warehouse receiving trx entry screen. As soon as the first three key field values are determined, users will have access to the Amigos through the toolbar. This will occur when the cursor is at “4. Our Doc Number”. In Add mode it is possible for users to hit ESC to abort the entry. If this occurs, any Amigo information added for the receipt will be deleted when the user chooses to abort the transaction.

Warehouse Receiving Posting

Currently, the warehouse receiving posting routine will update the Inventory Transaction Audit Trail File, and optionally create an inventory transfer batch if the PO Ship To File “9. Recv to Transit Loc” is set up or if the user is using multi-bin. See example below:

When warehouse receiving transactions are posted, any Amigo information associated with the receiving will be transferred to the corresponding "R" type Inventory Transaction Audit Trail record. If a transfer batch is created, the Amigos will also be transferred to the corresponding Inventory Transfer Transaction record.

A new optional note can be created and associated with the Inventory Transfer Transaction record at time of posting. The line below shows the format of the note:

PO#123456-00 999 Inv/Doc#:12345678 Comment:12345678901234567

The option to create of the new note is enabled through Global Setup-> Dist-> Inventory Transfer-Control-> 23. Create Transfer Notes For PO Receipts. The default value is N.

If this value is set to Y, the new note will be created and will be associated with the corresponding Inventory Transfer Transaction record when PO receipts are posted.

Legacy PO Receiving

Support for the 5 Amigos has been added to Legacy PO Receiving. Support has been added to the Add, Change and Delete mode of the PO receiving transaction entry screen. As soon as the first three key field values (PO number, Line Number and Doc Number) are determined, users will have access to the Amigos through the toolbar. This will occur when the cursor is at “6. Receipt Date.”  In Add mode it is possible for users to hit ESC to abort the entry. If this occurs, any Amigo information added for the receipt will be deleted when the user chooses to abort the transaction.

Legacy PO Receiving Posting

Currently, the PO receiving posting routine will update the Inventory Transaction Audit Trail File, and optionally create an inventory transfer batch if the PO Ship To File “9. Recv to Transit Loc” is set up or if the user is using multi-bin.  

When PO receiving transactions are posted, any Amigo information associated with the receiving will be transferred to the corresponding "R" type Inventory Transaction Audit Trail record. If a transfer batch is created, the Amigos will also be transferred to the corresponding Inventory Transfer Transaction record.

The optional notes will be created for the Inventory Transaction Transfer records if Global Setup-> Dist-> Inventory Transfer-Control-> 23. Create Transfer Notes For PO Receipts is set to Y.

Inventory Transfer Management

Note support has been added to several areas. It is available in the Add and Change mode of Inventory Transfer Management. As you scroll through the list of items on the screen, the note button will indicate if there are notes on file. Additional notes can also be added in this application.

Note support is available through the Inventory Transfer Detail Information screen.

It is also available through the WMS Transfer and WMS Put Away Processing applications.

Since each PO Warehouse Receiving transaction is posted to I/M Transfer Processing as a single batch, for practical purposes users will consolidate transfer batches for the same vessel. During the consolidation, multiple Inventory Transfer Batch records will become one. The Inventory Transfer Transaction records may or may not merge depending on if it is an identical item. If it is an identical item, the system will consolidate the same item records into one. If the optional notes were created for the transfer batches, optionally created notes for the identical items will be merged into one note.

PO#123456-00 999 Inv/Doc#:12345678 Comment:12345678901234567
PO#123456-00 999 Inv/Doc#:12345678 Comment:12345678901234567
PO#123456-00 999 Inv/Doc#:12345678 Comment:12345678901234567
PO#123456-00 999 Inv/Doc#:12345678 Comment:12345678901234567

Inventory Transfer Posting

During Inventory Transfer Posting, the 5 Amigos that attached to Inventory Transfer Transaction records will be moved to the corresponding "T" type Inventory Transaction Audit Trail record. This allows the user to view the notes from Transaction drill down from within the Stock Status Inquiry.



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