Release Date: 06/07/2023
Version: 8.6 & Up
Starting with Elliott 8.6, the Elliott installation utility will install a Logo folder in the Elliott root directory. As of this writing, there are six files in this folder:
- BOL2282.BMP - This is the image file for the Straight Bill of Lading.
- COMPADDR.BMP - This is the image file for company address to be used on pick tickets, packing lists and invoices.
- COMPADDR.PNG - This is the logo + company address image to be used for Report Desk A/R statements.
- COMPLOGO.BMP - This is the image file for company logo to be used on invoices.
- VICSBOLM - This is the image file for VICS Bills of Lading.
- VICSBOLS - This is the image file for the Supplement for VICS Bills of Lading (when there are too many POs in a shipment).
The following sample screen show the Netcellent's address and logo images files. You should replace them with your own.
Please be aware that in Elliott 8.5 we distributed logo files in the <ElliottRoot>\Bin85\Logo folder. We realize that your company address and logo image files will stay in the same folder even as you upgrade your Elliott version. Hence, storing the default logo image files in the Elliott root directly makes more sense. For that reason, starting with the Elliott 8.6 release after 6/7/2023, the logo files are stored in the <ElliottRoot>\Logo folder by default.
If you implement NTFS security with Elliott, you should grant "read/execute" rights for "Everyone" with the Logo folder.
Please refer to the following KB article on Elliott NTFS security:
The new Elliott laser form template will point to <ElliottRoot>\Logo for logo and address image. When you replace them with your own, Elliott will automatically stretch your image files to fit the reserved space. Therefore, as long as you keep your replacement image files of similar proportion ratio as the one we provided, it should continue to work well with the Elliott laser form template. If the image file proportion ratio is significantly different, you may see the printed laser form image out of proportion. In that case, you need to adjust the Elliott laser form template to allocate the proper space for your image files. Avoid using image files over 1MB size that may reduce printing efficiency.
Multi-Company Issue
If you are using the Elliott Multi-Company feature and different companies should have different logo images, we suggest that you create a two-digit subfolder like 01, 02...etc. that represents the company number under the <ElliottRoot>\Logo folder. See the following example:
Place your company-specific logo image files in this folder (e.g., 01). For Elliott laser forms, you will need to modify each corresponding laser form to point to this folder by company. For Report Desk, the system will automatically look for the company-specific subfolder first. If found, the system will use it. If not found, the system will look for image files in the Logo folder.
If you are not comfortable with modifying the Laser Form Template, please speak to Netcellent support for assistance.