Release date: 12/17/2021
Version 8.5 and Above
A new feature, "Mass Close BO Line Items by Customer" has been added to Global Setup / Utilities / COP Utilities / Utilities. This function can be valuable for those who use Elliott's backorder features. When there are too many old backorders in the system, users can use this utility as the first step to purge them. Keep in mind that this utility only mass closes the qualified line items, but it does not purge the order, which is a separate step.
Based on selection criteria, the program will close an order line item, but will not delete it. Keep in mind that even if all line items of an order are closed. This utility will not close or purge the entirety of an order. You can purge orders with all of their line items closed and move them to order history by going to COP -> Processing -> Purge Posted Orders -> Posted Order, and answer "Y" to the following option:
"Purge Orders with No Line Items?"
This is a separate step. You can consider setting up "Purge Posted Orders to History" in Deferred Processing to automate it.
Setup for this feature is in Global Setup / Cop-Func / Order Line Item screen, page 3. The value in field 38 cannot be zero, and default is 365. The value entered will be the minimum allowed value to be entered in the "Mass Close BO Line Items" screen, field "Close Line Item Older than No. of Days?"
The selection screen is as follows:
Starting/Ending Location - Hitting Enter on "Starting Location" is not allowed. F7 search is allowed. The starting location will be copied to ending location as the default.
Starting/Ending Order Number - Hitting Enter on "Starting Order Number" is not allowed. The starting order number will be copied to the ending order number as the default. You can enter "000000" to "ZZZZZZ" to substitute for All.
Closing Line Item Older Than No. of Days? - The value cannot be smaller than the minimum value in the new Global Setup field. Values up to 9999 days are permitted.
Use Request (R) or Promise (P) Date? - Enter "R" or "P." The default is "R."
Run Pre-View Report? - "Y" or "N," and the default is "Y." When running in the preview mode, we will print a list of line items that will be closed out, but no file changes will be made. This is a sample preview report:
If preview mode is run, the following question will be asked:
Default answer is "N." You must answer "Y" to proceed with mass close. Also, if "Run Pre-View Report" is "N," the program will proceed with mass close and print out a "Mass Close BO Line Items by Customer Journal."
Selection criteria for orders to allow line items to be closed are as follows:
Order number must be within the range on the selection screen.
Order Type must be "O."
Order Date Picked must be zero.
Order Selection Code must be "C."
Order Location must be within the range on the selection screen.
Order Enter date must be equal to or older than the computed cutoff date using the "Close Line Item Older Than No. of Days?" value and the System Date.
If the order passes the above criteria, the line item must pass the following criteria:
Line Item select code must be "N."
Line Item Item No must not be spaces.
Line Item Qty Ordered must be > 0 and Line Item Qty to Ship must be = 0.
Line Item Request (or Promise) date must be equal to or older than the computed cutoff date using the "Close Line Item Older Than No. of Days?" value and the System Date.