Feature - Inventory Transfer Management Batches Using CSV Import

Feature - Inventory Transfer Management Batches Using CSV Import

Release date: 8/3/2018

"Free" Inventory Transfer Management batches are batches that have been entered by hand through the Inventory Transfer Management application and not automatically generated by Elliott when inventory needs to be transferred. This is typically done when moving inventory from location to location or from bin to bin when using the Multi-Bin Enhancement. This feature gives the user the ability to create “Free” Inventory Transfer Management batches using a CSV import option. 

  • After importing, the batches will have a "New" status and will not be automatically marked as printed.
  • The use of transit locations are not supported at this time.
  • Serial number support is not available at this time. However, serialized items are supported but the serial numbers must be provided when the batch is processed.

To support this new feature, a new menu option has been added to I/M-> Processing-> Inventory Transfer Management-> Utility-> Import. The application has three menu options:  Pre-Interface, Interface, and Layout.

The following options are available in the Pre-Interface and Interface options:

  1. CSV File Name – Last used value is remembered and is the default.  
  2. Import File with Header Row?  The default value is "Y."
  3. From Location – Enter = (From File). An F7 search option is available. If entered, a valid location must be provided.
  4. To Location – Enter = (From File). An F7 search option is available.If entered, a valid location must be provided.  If a From Location is provided, the To Location must also be provided.  
  5. Create User – Enter = (From File).  An F7 search option is available. If entered, a valid Elliott user ID must be provided.
  6. Assign User – Enter = (From File)  An F7 search option is available. If entered, a valid Elliott user ID must be provided.

Note: If From Location and To Location are both provided and the user is not running the Multi-Bin Enhancement, the From Location and To Location must be different.

The layout screen has the following columns: 

A.    ItemNo – (Required)
B.    Qty – (Def: 1 or GTIN qty if GTIN is provided)
C.    FromLoc – (From file or screen parameters)   
D.    ToLoc – (From file or screen parameters)
E.    FromBin
F.    ToBin
G.   BatchID – (Def: Auto Assign with F99999 format)
H.   BatchDesc  - (Def: Batch BatchID)
I.    CreateUser -  (Def: System User if not provided by screen parameters)
J.    AssignUser - (Def: CreateUser is not provided by screen parameters)

Note: Only column A is required in this CSV file.  Keep in mind that there are two tables, batch header and batch detail, that will be created through this CSV file import. Column A, B, E and F are to be used for creating batch detail.  The rest are to be used to create batch header.  If you are not using the Multi-Bin enhancement, columns E and F should be blank. If BatchID field in the CSV file is spaces for the first record, the BatchID will be automatically generated using the format F99999. The program will determine the last number used. If the From Location and To Location change in any CSV records following the first record, a new BatchID will be generated. If the BatchID in the first CSV record is provided, and the BatchID field in the remaining fields is blank, the remaining items will be added to the first BatchID until a new BatchID is provided. However, if the From Location and To Location change in any CSV records following the first record, a new BatchID will be generated. If the BatchDesc, CreateUser, or  AssignUser for a batch does not match the original batch description that is provided or generated for the first record, this will produce a warning that is indicated on the report printout.  

The pre-interface/interface application will verify the following:

•    Field cannot be spaces 
•    Must be 15 characters or less 
•    Must be on file in the Item Master File
•    Must exist at the to location  
•    Supports UPC, EAN-13, GTIN or Manufacturing item number

•    If not provided:
     * If the CSV ItemNo is a GTIN code,  package quantity will be determined per GTIN setup
     * Otherwise, it will be set to 1 
•    If provided must be 999,999,999 or less  
•    If quantity is greater than quantity available, a warning message will be provided if the
     item is not serialized. If item is serialized, an error message will be provided.

•    Field cannot be spaces if not provided in the passing parameters 
•    Must be 2 characters or less 
•    Location must be on file 
•    Item specified must reside at this location
•    If not running the Multi-Bin Enhancement, the FromLoc and ToLoc must be different 
•    Field cannot be spaces if not provided in the passing parameters 
•    Must be 2 characters or less 
•    Location must be on file
•    Item specified must reside at this location 
•    If not running the Multi-Bin Enhancement, the FromLoc and ToLoc must be different

•    Only applicable if running the multi-bin enhancement
•    Must be 8 characters or less 
•    Must be on file in the Bin Master file 
•    Item specified must reside in this bin

•    Only applicable if running the multi-bin enhancement 
•    Must be 8 characters or less 
•    Must be on file in the Bin Master File  

•    If the field in the CSV file is spaces for the first record, it will be automatically generated using the format F99999. The program will determine the last number used.
•    If the batch ID is provided in the CSV file:
     *    Must be 6 characters or less 
     *    Batch ID cannot already be on file 
     *    Batch ID should not follow the same formatting as system-generated
          batches that start with S, M, P, I, R, or K
•   If the From Location and To Location are provided in the CSV file and they change when a new record is processed, a new batch ID will be generated using the format F99999 if one is not provided in the CSV file.    

•    Must be 30 characters or less 
•    If spaces, it will default to “Batch BatchID” 

•    If not provided by the screen or the CSV file, this will default to the current
     Elliott user.
•     If provided it must be :
*    10 characters or less  
*    A valid Elliott user ID

•    If not provided by the screen or the CSV file, this will default to the Create User if not using the Warehouse Management System.  If using the Warehouse Management System, the application will use Global Setup to determine if the batch should be assigned.
•    If provided it must be :
-       10 characters or less 
-       A valid Elliott user ID

The posting routine will verify that all records are valid before allowing the batch(es) to be created.

Interfacing the data will allocate the item at the “From Location” and the “From Bin,” if applicable, for the quantity provided. It will also update ATP. The program will create the transfer batch.

The Status column on the posting journal will contain “Error” if any errors were encountered when validating the data in the CSV file.  If any errors are encountered, the CSV file will not be interfaced.

If the CSV file is interfaced, the CSV will then be deleted.

Modified programs:  IMBINTRN, IMTSFIMS (new), IMTSFIMP (new)


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