Release Date: 08/26/20
Version: 8.5 & Up
We introduced a new flag in Global Setup -> COP-Func -> Post Invoic to A/R -> 13. Init BOMP WO# for Partial Post Line (Re-Copy)? The default value of this flag is "N." See sample screen below:
By design, Elliott allows users to copy COP line items to BOMP work orders. Upon copying, the system will update the COP line item file for the Work Order Number field to cross reference between COP line items and BOMP work orders. Since there's only one field in the COP line item to store the BOMP work order, it is intended to copy once.
Let's say the COP order line item is for a quantity of 2. Then when we create the work order, even if there's only enough component quantity to make 1 item, we expect the user to copy and create a work order quantity of 2, then complete the 1 item that can be produced now and ship it. Later, once there are enough components replenished, the user will produce the back order.
However, if you prefer to create the work order with a quantity of 1 in the above example, then the system assumes the work order is completed and the COP order is partially shipped, which means you can't copy the COP line item again because the system will think the line item is already copied.
This flag is introduced to address this scenario. If your operation practice is to copy and create work orders for only the quantity you have on stock to produce, then you should set this flag to "Y." Then, upon the partial shipment and posting of the COP invoice, the BOMP Work Order Number field will be initialized in the COP Order Line Item. As a result, you can copy the COP line item again to BOMP to create a new work order.
You still can reference the original BOMP work order number from invoice history. But you will not be able to with the partial ship order line item, which can only reference the latest work order.