Feature - Improvements to QTYAVAILBYCOMP and QTYAVAILBYCOMP2 Attributes

Feature - Improvements to QTYAVAILBYCOMP and QTYAVAILBYCOMP2 Attributes

Release Date: 3/29/2017

Two improvements have been made to Atrribues.

1) For attribute QTYAVAILBYCOMP, the BOM Active Group will show if it has a value; even if the BOM Qty Avail is 0.

2) For attribute QTYAVAILBYCOMP2, a new field has been added -- First Component.  The value in this field will be the first component found for Kit or BOMP parent items.

Modified programs: IMQACOMP.PL, IMQACOMP.WS, IMQACOMS, IMQACOMP(recompile only),
CPSABPRC(recompile only)