Feature - Import of Shipment Tracking Number for Sales Order Through CSV File

Feature - Import of Shipment Tracking Number for Sales Order Through CSV File

Release date: 5/19/2020
Revised: 7/26/24
Version 8.5 and Up

You can now import shipment tracking numbers for sales orders through a CSV File.  You can find the utility in COP, Processing, Print Pick/Pack Tickets & Lbls, Shipping, and Tracking Number Import.  The import has the standard Pre-interface, Interface, and Layout menu options.

The CSV file should contain the following fields:

Note that Order# and Tracking# are the only required fields.

If Package# is not provided, then it is assumed to be 1. 

If Weight is not provided, then it won't be written to the note.

If Freight Amount is not provided, then it won't be written to the note.

If Ship Via is not provided, then we look up the Ship Via Description using the 
Order Ship Via Code.

The note Create Date and Modify Date will be set to the System Date.

The note Create Time and Modify Time will be set to the System Time.

The Reference field will be used for the Note Subject.

The Pre-Interface screen will prompt for the following three fields:

Values in fields 1 and 2 will be saved and used for the next session.

An example of the Pre-Interface report:

All errors must be resolved before the Interface can proceed.  To reduce the possibility of duplicate tracking notes the program will give a warning if a tracking number has already been entered for an order, and an error will occur if the import tracking number already exists for that order.

The Interface screen prompts for the following:

Values in fields 1 and 2 will be saved and used for the next session.  Enter "Y" for the "Do You Want To Interface At This Time ?" question when you are ready to interface.

An example of the Interface report:
If there are no errors during the Interface, the input CSV file will be deleted.

Note: You must enable the corresponding settings in Global Setup-> COP-Func-> Ship Data Update to enable the the importing of ship date,  package#, ship via, weight and freight. 

If Update Ship Date in Manifest Note is set to "Y" a prompt will ask "Note Create Use System Date/Time & May Not Match Note Content If Flag is Y. OK?" Answering Y may cause the note creation date/time to not match the date/time in the note content.

Modified programs:  CP0200.CBL, DATE.WS, DATE.PL, DATEGR.WS, DATEGR.PL


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