Date Released - 5/23/16
The feature will allow the user to import an CSV file containing a list of items and the quantity of the parent. This CSV file should contain two columns - the item number and the quantity of the parent.
When running the Bill of Material Processor-> Reports-> Gross Requirements Report, a new option is available from the item number field.
F3=Import Item - When the user presses the F3 key, a window will pop up asking the user for the name of the file to import.
File Path: Path to the CSV file to be imported. The application will verify that the file exists and that there are records in the file.
Does CSV Have Header Row? Default is Y. If the CSV file has a row with headings, answer Y. Otherwise, answer N.
Once the user answers N to the Any Change prompt, the application will pre-process the file looking for any errors in the CSV file. The application will:
- Verify that the Item Number is on file.
- Verify that the quantity entered is greater than zero.
- Verify that the number of decimal places in the quantity field is less than or equal to the number of decimals supported by the company file. For example, if the quantity field contains 1.999 but the company file only support 2 decimal places, this is an error condition.
If any errors are found in the CSV file, the user will be presented with an error message with details of the first error encountered. The user should correct this issue and try to import the file again.
If the CSV is the first "item" entered, the user will be returned to the location field and the remaining report parameters can be entered. If the CSV is not the first "item" number entered, the user will be returned to the Any Changes field. Once the user enters past the Item Number To Change or answers N to Any Changes, the item numbers from the CSV file will be imported and added to the list of items to process.
Programs Modified: BM1100