Feature - Generate QTYAVAILBYCOMP* Attribute for Secondary Warehouse Locations

Feature - Generate QTYAVAILBYCOMP* Attribute for Secondary Warehouse Locations

Release Date: 5/30/24
Version: 8.5 and Above

This feature allows the user to generate the QTYAVAILBYCOMP attributes for a specific secondary warehouse location. This feature is beneficial to users with a remote warehouse that is used as a secondary manufacturing facility. A location parameter has been added to Global Setup-> Utilities-> IM Utilities-> Generate Statistic Info-> Update Qty Avail By Comp Attribute.

3. Location - F7 search is available. The default value is spaces for All locations. Enter the secondary warehouse to be used to generate QTYAVAILBYCOMP* attributes. The location entered cannot be the primary warehouse location defined in I/M Setup.

The location used to generate the attributes is printed in the legend area of the report output.

This location information is also available in the CSV export file if the attributes are generated for a secondary location.