Release Date: 03/09/2021
Version: 8.5 & Up
In Customer EDI Profile, Screen 6, the following flag has been changed:
7. Export Turn Around During Sales Order Import?
It is now changed to:
7. Export Turn Around In SO Import/Exp Cancel Lin
If you answer "Y" to the first question, the system prompts the following question in a popup window:
Export Canceled/Closed Line Items (Default "N")
See sample screen below:
The purpose of "7. Export Turn Around During Sales Order Import?" was to support Turn Around EDI 855. That is, as the sales order is imported, Elliott can send 855 (order acknowledgement) back to the trading partner to acknowledge the receiving of the order.
However, sometimes the trading partner may send a PO for invalid line items (such as items that are flagged as obsolete) and the sales order import program automatically closes the invalid line items. As a result, the turn around EDI 855 does not have the closed-out line items, which causes a problem.
To address this issue, we have now made flag 7 into a double flag to also prompt if the user wishes to "Export Canceled/Closed Line Items." If yes, then during the turn around sales order export for 855, we will export canceled/closed line items so the 855 will now send the line item that is "Rejected" by us. The line items that will be sent with this flag set to "Y" include records in the CPORDLIN table where the column LINE_ITM_CANCEL_CLS has the following values:
- C - Line Item Is Closed
- X - Line Item Is Canceled
- Y - Line Item is Closed/Canceled
Change in Elliott SPS Services (ESS)
Elliott SPS Services (ESS) has also been changed and released on 3/14/2021 to handle the exported canceled/closed line items in ASCII files. In the translated 855 XML file, the \\OrderAck\Header\OrderHeader\AcknoweldgementType could have three possible values:
- AD (Acknowledge with Detail) - If all line items on the PO are normal
- RD (Reject with Detail) - if all line items on the PO are canceled/closed
- AC (Acknowledge with Change) - if some line items (but not all) on the PO are canceled/closed
In the \\OrdAck\LineItem\LineItemAcknowledgement\ItemStatusCode of 855, there could have two possible values based on if the line item is canceled or closed:
- IA (Item Accepted)
- IR (Item Rejected)