Date Released - 02/1/16
When in Routing Maintenance (Distribution-> Bill of Material Processor-> Maintenance-> Production Routing File-> Maintenance) and the F1 key is pressed to display the Bill of Material associated with an operation that has a material count point, more information is presented to the user.
The Unit Cost column shows the average, last, and standard cost of each component as you scroll through the components above.
The Ext Cost column shows the average, last and standard cost multiplied by the quantity per parent for the highlighted component above.
The % Ttl column shows the component percentage of the total parent average, last and standard material cost for the highlighted component.
The Total Cost column shows the total parent material costs for each costing method. This column does not change as you scroll through the components.
The Weight column shows the component weight, the extended component weight and the total parent weight based on the total of all of the component's weights. The Unit and Extended weight fields will change as you scroll through the components.
The final % Ttl Column shows the the highlighted component's percentage of total weight.
Showing this detail gives the user more information so they can decide if they want to purchase the component or manufacture it in-house.
Modified Programs: BMRTGMNT