The possible values are "Y" and "N" and the default is "N." A confirmation message is displayed when the value is changed to "Y."
The A/P Void Check parameter screen will use this Global Setup flag and a "Y" value will trigger the application to look for reconciled checks in the entered check range. If a reconciled check is in the entered range, a warning message will be given.
When a user tries to void an A/P check that has already been reconciled and the Global Setup flag is set to "N," an error message will now print on the A/P Void Check Register stating "**** Previously Reconciled Check Cannot Be Voided ****" to indicate that the check will not be voided.
Also, if any reconciled checks are found in the entered range and the Global Setup flag is set to "N," the grand totals will indicate how many checks were skipped and how many checks were successfully voided.
If the user determines a mistake was made at the time of A/P check reconciliation and the check needs to be voided anyway, the Global Setup flag can be temporarily changed to "Y" before proceeding to void the reconciled A/P check.