Release Date: 2/16/24
Version: 8.5 and Above
This feature gives the warehouse manager the ability to defer an open or partial staging batch in Pick Order Processing. Once a staging batch is deferred, the batch will not be shown as an available batch in Staging Verification and the orders on the batch cannot be processed through Shipping Verification or through Order Billing. The deferral must be removed before the batch can be processed.
The option is available from Customer Order Processing-> Processing-> Print Pick/Pack Ticket & Lbls-> Shipping-> Pick Order Processing. Select the appropriate warehouse and press the F2 key for the summary screen. Select the staging batch that you wish to defer and press the F4 key to see the Advanced Option menu. Choose Defer Batch from this screen.
After deferring the batch, the batch will show a status of DefOpen for deferred open batches and DefPart for deferred partial batches.
To remove the deferral, highlight the batch, and press the F4 key for the Advanced Options menu.
Choose the Remove Batch Deferral option to remove the deferral. Once the deferral is removed, the batch can be processed through Staging Verification.