Release Date: 3/20/2023
Version: 8.5 and Above
This article is an add-on to the primary article on the Mass Change Customer Import utility. If you would like more details,
click here. For now, we quickly summarize the purpose of the Mass Change Customer Import utility. Elliott has an import utility that allows a user to update multiple customers via CSV file. It is convenient if you have many customers who need to be mass updated at one time rather than manually going into the Customer File Maintenance and individually changing each field. This import utility It is located at
Accounts Receivable >
Utility >
Customer/eContact Import. From there, select
Mass update utility >
mass change Customer.
Note the tab named "Layout" in the taskbar. If you click on it, it will list the column layout needed for the CSV file to be imported properly. This article is about a new column that the CSV import file now supports: "AF) Credit Hold."
Credit Hold is a feature that halts a customer's orders, usually if they are not paying you on time. If a customer fails to make payments, you have the option to set Credit Hold to "Y." Otherwise, you set it to "N."
Mass Change Customer Import now supports a Credit Hold column. You can use your preferred CSV editor (e.g., Excel) and column AF will support Credit Hold entries. It accepts either a "Y" or "N" value. Leaving the field blank in your CSV import file will do nothing, and using the $$BLANK$$ string will throw an error.