Feature - COP Custom Product Structure to Show Price & Cost

Feature - COP Custom Product Structure to Show Price & Cost

Release Date - 4/13/17

NOTE: The screens for the application were changed in Version 7.58.608/8.28.608. The cost and price screens were combined into one screen. See https://support.netcellent.com/portal/en/kb/articles/feature-convert-f4-custom-prod-stru-window-s-components-to-regular-line-items for more information.

When on the Order Entry line item screen and at the Unit Price field, the user can press F4=Custom Prod Stru option to customize the product structure of the manufactured item that will be produced in BOMP. 

Once the users presses the F4 key, the user will have the option to change the components or change routing associated with the item depending upon how the Global Setup Options are set up. This feature applies to the Product Structure screen only.

The data that will show on this screen depends upon the users rights to see item costs when in Order Entry. For V7.5 users, this depends on option 12. Display Item Cost At Line Item Entry Time in COP Setup. If this flag is set to Y, the component cost information will be shown on the screen.

For V8.x users, this depends on the User Global Security setup option 13 on screen 2. If this flag is set to Y,  the component cost information will be shown on the screen.

After pressing the F4 function key from the price field on the Order Entry line item screen, the user will see this screen if he/she does not have rights to see the item cost:

A new F1=Show Price option is available and the component total price is shown. Pressing the F1 key will show the individual component prices.

From this screen the user can exit by pressing the Escape key or by pressing the F1 key to return to the previous screen.

If the user has the right to view the component cost, the component screen will show the following information:

A new F1=Show Price is available, as well as the component total price, cost, margin and margin percent. If the F1 key is pressed, the user will see the following information:

The new screen shows each component's unit price, extended price, the total price, total cost, margin, and margin percent.

The user can press the F1 key again to show the component cost.

The new screen shows each component's unit cost, extended cost, the total price, total cost, margin, and margin percent.  The user can press the F1 key again to return to the component screen.


(1)    The unit price of the each component is calculated as if the customer is going to order each component based on the quantity per as the order quantity. 

(2)    In this screen, the user is allowed to customize the product structure. This includes changing the quantity per, deleting components and adding new components. When components are changed, the new unit price is re-calculated. The Total Price, Cost, Margin and Margin% are recalculated as well.

(3)    In the Qty Per/Avail screen, you can customize it by answering “Y” to the “Any Change?” question. Then you can add new components, change existing components' qty per, delete components….etc. In the Unit Price/Cost screen, we are not supporting the changing of unit price and cost at this moment. The new screens are for display only.

(4) The rolled-up cost and price shown on this screen is for reference only. This information is not passed back to the Order Entry line item screen.

Programs Modified: CP0115BM


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